Official GameChanger Wallet library and CLI for integrating with Cardano dapps and solve other tasks (
Complete new project now compatible with GameChanger Wallet V2 and keeping some support for legacy GameChanger V1
$ npm install --global @gamechanger-finance/gc
$ npm install -s @gamechanger-finance/gc
$ npm install -s @gamechanger-finance/gc
copy host individual file 'dist/browser.min.js'
Load locally:
<script src='dist/browser.min.js'></script>
Load using CDN :
<script src=""></script>
const {gc} = window;
$ npm install -s @gamechanger-finance/gc
import gc from '@gamechanger-finance/gc'
//GCScript: the DSL scripting language to interact with GameChanger Wallet
const gcscript={
"type": "script",
"title":"π Connect with dapp?",
"description":"About to share your basic public wallet information to the dapp",
"exportAs": "connect",
"run": {
"name": {
"type": "getName"
"address": {
"type": "getCurrentAddress"
"spendPubKey": {
"type": "getSpendingPublicKey"
"stakePubKey": {
"type": "getStakingPublicKey"
"addressInfo": {
"type": "macro",
"run": "{getAddressInfo(get('cache.address'))}"
const url = await gc.encode.url({
input: JSON.stringify(gcscript), // GCScript is pure JSON code, supported on all platforms
apiVersion: '2', //APIV2
network: 'mainnet', // mainnet or preprod
encoding: 'gzip' //suggested, default message encoding/compression
then redirect users to the URL like:
<a href="${url}">Connect with GC Wallet</a>
or render a QR encoded URL image like this:
const pngDataURI = gc.encode.qr({
input: JSON.stringify(gcscript),
apiVersion: '2',
network: 'mainnet',
encoding: 'gzip',
qrResultType: 'png',
then redirect users with the QR code like:
<image src="${pngDataURI}">Scan QR code to connect</image>
//GCWallet dapp connections can return arbirary JSON data you exported from the DSL code
const resultObj = await gc.encodings.msg.decoder(resultRaw)
and will log something like:
"exports": {
"connect": {
"name": "MyCardanoWallet",
"address": "addr1q8aw6dzpw3cld828cqywp0sql4sxfw6syhzyh2kfcfccakddqwj2u3djrag0mene2cm9elu5mdqmcz9zc2rzgq7c5g6qshxn7l",
"spendPubKey": {
"pubKeyHex": "48362707efe478336740139127d8468aca10bf1358d2ab903d2d58876c99733b",
"pubKeyHashHex": "faed34417471f69d47c008e0be00fd6064bb5025c44baac9c2718ed9",
"derivationKind": "spend"
"stakePubKey": {
"pubKeyHex": "9bef2297c79a52da05c33e99097e806e44ddda04e0dbaf7afef9274a64059557",
"pubKeyHashHex": "cb6785612a53f5a093f38212db67bf4da23881d0fcf99518d02463a0",
"derivationKind": "stake"
"addressInfo": {
"isByron": false,
"isReward": false,
"isEnterprise": false,
"isPointer": false,
"isPaymentScript": false,
"isStakingScript": false,
"paymentScriptHash": "",
"stakingScriptHash": "",
"isScript": false,
"kind": "base",
"isCardano": true,
"isShelley": true,
"isBase": true,
"isPaymentKey": true,
"isStakingKey": true,
"paymentKeyHash": "faed34417471f69d47c008e0be00fd6064bb5025c44baac9c2718ed9",
"stakingKeyHash": "ad03a4ae45b21f50fde67956365cff94db41bc08a2c2862403d8a234",
"rewardAddress": "stake1uxks8f9wgkep758aueu4vdjul72dksdupz3v9p3yq0v2ydqpd3mre",
"network": "mainnet",
"networkId": 1,
"identity": {
"scriptHex": "8201818200581cfaed34417471f69d47c008e0be00fd6064bb5025c44baac9c2718ed9",
"scriptHash": "ddb4f2d0f44774964f57b444995e4a4a750d7b452a7177e739f8e21c",
"scriptRefHex": "d818582582008201818200581cfaed34417471f69d47c008e0be00fd6064bb5025c44baac9c2718ed9"
$ gamechanger-cli [network] [action] [subaction]
Networks: 'mainnet' | 'preprod'
'url' : generates a ready to use URL dApp connector from a valid GCScript
'qr' : generates a ready to use URL dApp connector encoded into a QR code image from a valid GCScript
'html' : generates a ready to use HTML dApp with a URL connector from a valid GCScript
'button' : generates a ready to use HTML embeddable button snippet with a URL connector from a valid GCScript
'express' : generates a ready to use Node JS Express backend that redirects browser users to connect with the wallet, from a valid GCScript
'react' : generates a ready to use React dApp with a URL connector from a valid GCScript
--args [gcscript] | -a [gcscript]: Load GCScript from arguments
--file [filename] | -a [filename]: Load GCScript from file
without --args or --file : Load GCScript from stdin
--outputFile [filename] -o [filename]: The QR Code, HTML, button, nodejs, or react output filename
without --outputFile : Sends the QR Code, HTML, button, nodejs, or react output file to stdin
--apiVersion [1 | 2] | -v [1 | 2]: Target GameChanger Wallet v1 or v2
--encoding [see encodings below] | -v [see encodings below]: Target GameChanger Wallet v1 or v2 messaging encodings
Valid encodings by apiVersion:
--template [see templates below] | -t [see templates below]: QR code predefined styles
Valid templates: default, boxed or printable
--serve | -S : Serve code snippet outputs on http://localhost:3000
URL and QR Code encodings:
$ gamechanger-cli preprod encode url -v 1 -a '{"type":"tx","title":"Demo","description":"created with gamechanger-cli","metadata":{"123":{"message":"Hello World!"}}}'
$ cat demo.gcscript | gamechanger-cli mainnet encode url -v 1
$ gamechanger-cli mainnet encode url -v 2 -f examples/connect.gcscript
$ gamechanger-cli preprod encode qr -v 1 -a '{"type":"tx","title":"Demo","description":"created with gamechanger-cli","metadata":{"123":{"message":"Hello World!"}}}' > qr_output.png
$ gamechanger-cli mainnet encode qr -v 1 -o examples/qr_output.png -a '{"type":"tx","title":"Demo","description":"created with gamechanger-cli","metadata":{"123":{"message":"Hello World!"}}}'
$ gamechanger-cli mainnet encode qr -e gzip -v 2 -f examples/connect.gcscript -o examples/qr_output.png
Code snippet generation and serve dapp (-S):
$ gamechanger-cli preprod snippet html -v 2 -S -o examples/htmlDapp.html -f examples/connect.gcscript
π Serving output with the hosted Gamechanger library on http://localhost:3000
$ gamechanger-cli mainnet snippet react -v 2 -S -o examples/reactDapp.html -f examples/connect.gcscript
π Serving output with the hosted Gamechanger library on http://localhost:3000
HTML Button snippet:
$ gamechanger-cli mainnet snippet button -v 2 -S -o examples/connectButton.html -f examples/connect.gcscript
π Serving output with the hosted Gamechanger library on http://localhost:3000
Express Backend:
$ gamechanger-cli mainnet snippet express -v 2 -o examples/expressBackend.js -f examples/connect.gcscript
$ node examples/expressBackend.js
π Express NodeJs Backend serving output URL with the hosted Gamechanger library on http://localhost:3000/
- Beta Release Notes
- 70+ open source example dapps
- Universal Dapp Connector documentation
- GCScript documentation
- Playground IDE in GameChanger Wallet
- Youtube Tutorials
- Discord Support
- Twitter News
- Website