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Frequently asked questions

smallketchup82 edited this page Dec 28, 2024 · 4 revisions

This page details some frequently asked questions regarding the Galaxypedia project

Why we switched from FANDOM to the Galaxypedia

The Galaxy Wiki, started by SeanMorabito_YT, was the previous wiki for Galaxy. However this wiki was abandoned in favour of the Galaxypedia. But why did we do this? To answer that question we first have look at the points made below.

  • Fandom uses ads, and its pretty annoying. The Galaxypedia is funded through donations and we don't use ads at all. This can speed up page loading and you wouldn't have to turn on your ad-blocker which will also improve page loading times. Not to mention FANDOM's choice of advertisements were horrible and the placement of advertisements often broke pages.
  • FANDOM has rules on how we can customize it. With the Galaxypedia we can do whatever the hell we want with it, its our site so our rules. We have full reign over the Galaxypedia, but we have minuscule amounts of power when it comes to the Galaxy Wiki
  • Expanding on the point above, because we own the website we can enforce our own rules. We have our own terms of service, privacy policy, copyright policy, etc. Instead of being forced to also moderate rules that FANDOM enforces, we can simply focus on our own rules.
  • FANDOM's servers are unreliable. The Galaxypedia uses cloudflare caching and internal caching. What this means is that if our server ever goes down, cloudflare's servers simply send a cached version to you so you can continue viewing the Galaxypedia while we're fixing the servers.
  • We are able to edit the backend of the Galaxypedia which allows us to directly edit the database, styles, fonts, etc. what this means is that we're able to once again, edit everything and how the Galaxypedia works whereas with fandom we can only edit what they let us edit.
  • Through the use of Ketchupbot101, the Galaxypedia is directly linked to the game. Ship pages and the Turrets page get automatically updated by Ketchupbot. This means that the Galaxypedia will always be up-to-date in its infoboxes, whereas FANDOM required manual editing of infoboxes which was hard to do when a lot of things change day by day in Galaxy.
  • The old staff team just got sick of FANDOM forcing things onto them. We started planning on switching off of FANDOM after FANDOM announced that they would be getting rid of their Oasis skin and replacing it with their FandomDesktop skin which would require a full CSS rewrite from our already understaffed team, something that we were genuinely incapable of doing.

With all of that in consideration, the Galaxypedia has numerous advantages than FANDOM. And because of that, the staff for the Galaxy Wiki abandoned it and created the Galaxypedia. The old Wiki Staff are now known as the Galaxypedia staff and help to make the Galaxypedia better than the Galaxy Wiki.

Why we switched from MediaWiki to Hugo


refer to readme for reasoning for now

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