Releases: Galajus/TwitchuntV2
Twitchunt 2.1 Push for MC 1.20.1
Twitchunt 2.1 - push for MC 1.19.3
And Event handler fix :D
Twitchunt 2.1 - push for MC 1.19
Simply update for newest Minecraft versions. Tested on 1.19.2. Mc versions 1.18 and older can work but are not supported.
Twitchunt 2.0 is live!
Finally is here! <3
Breaking changes/dependencies:
- Java 17
- you need to udpate chatbot permissions
- updated guide inside config (google disc link)
- you need to remove all configs from twitchunt 1.X and generate new, if u want save you options/effects make backup and copy-paste to new configs
- Full supported versions: 1.17.X - 1.18.X, other versions can work with force spigot compatibility (look config) but are not supported
Changes between 2.0b2 and 2.0 (relase):
- Start stream alerts on minecraft (can be shown without enabled twitchunt polls)
- Repair default config poll title - Twitch(chunt) word reject poll creation
- Default poll interval changed to 90s.
- Full spigot support
- Better plugin effects cooldowns to preventing collisions
What new in 2.0:
- support for Twitch Subscriptions with tiers check (casting effects)
- support for Twitch cheer with thresholds (casting effects)
- redemption of custom revard (casting effects)
- 100% customisable translations
- rebuild big part of code (OOP coding)
- stream alert on minecraft
What is planned:
- support for StreamElements donations with thresholds (casting effects)
- more plugin effects (i dont want add effect what can be cast with default minecraft commands, u can make that effects with customCommands config)
Twitchunt v2.0b2
Soo... that was great 2 days of work, time to show :D
IMPORTANT is possible that permissions from chat token are not insufficient for bits, subs and points redemption, i need more tests - if u have problems with this use Issues tab or discord: :)
Before update you need remove all configs and generate new, before remove make backup of yours config ;)
- Support for Twitch Subscriptions with tiers check (casting effects)
- Support for Twitch cheer with thresholds (casting effects)
- Support for redemption of custom reward (casting effects)
- Disabled effects now loading if u want use them in paid effects (sub, cheer etc)
- Better translation options - now i can use arguments in translated message and you only must not break pattern %argX% in translation to your language :D
- More options to customise alerts in game chat and Twitch (enable/disable) in config
- Plugin sometimes not casting effects to online hunted players
- Custom effect overwrite main effects and duplicate ID
- Spigot compatibility tests
- Repair cooldowns - if effect with cooldown is thrown too fast have broken duration
- Stream ON alerts on server
- New Plugin effects - send Ideas to me! :D
- More effects
- Support for StreamElements donations
- Upgrade RTP
- Threshold for thrown effect in one game - higher -> worse effects (only idea, can be not added)
- Your ideas :P
Twitchunt v2.0b
Everything what have 1.4 version but inside... inside everything is different :D
- More translations in special file
- some new not working config options... will work in full relase :D
support for Twitch Subscriptions with tiers check (casting effects)
support for Twitch cheer with thresholds (casting effects)
support for StreamElements donations with thresholds (casting effects)
redemption of custom revard (Later)
rebuild big part of code (OOP coding)
some new effects from plugin
stream alert on minecraft
add some not translated texts