📍 Greater Seattle, WA | ✉️ gabeswarner@gmail.com | LinkedIn
Welcome to my GitHub! I'm Gabriel, a Software Developer with a penchant for test automation and web development. Armed with a Bachelor's of Science in Information Technology from the University of Washington Tacoma and a Full Stack Web Development certificate, I tackle challenges head-on to enhance user experiences and streamline development processes.
- Languages: Python, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, SQL
- Frameworks & Libraries: Cypress.io, Rails, React, Node.js, Express.js, Bootstrap, MUI
- Tools: Git, Yarn, GitHub Actions, Insomnia, axe, ESLint
- Database & Security: Mongoose, Sequelize, bcrypt
- UI & UX: cypress-axe, draggable, handlebars
- Focus - A React-based web dashboard for study and organization.
- Viva Chat - A dynamic live chat platform using JavaScript and WebRTC.
- Social Network API - A RESTful API for social networking, built with Express and MongoDB.
- Cute or Not - A pet breed search and mini-game developed with vanilla JavaScript, HTML, and CSS.
Feel free to explore my repositories and reach out if you have questions or want to collaborate on future projects!