Matrix Factorization with gradient descent (template)
Go to your project directory and download the code
$ git clone
Change to that working directory
$ cd matrix_factorization
Create an environment
$ conda create --name matrix_factorization
Install dependencies
$ conda install --file requirements.txt
Run the code
$ python
------------------- INPUT --------------------
[[5 3 0 1]
[4 0 0 1]
[1 1 0 5]
[1 0 0 4]
[0 1 5 4]]
--------------- HYPERPARAMETERS ----------------
K: 2
alpha (learning rate): 0.05
beta (regularization): 0.01
target_accuracy: 0.99
max_iterations: 1000
tol: 0.0001
------------------ TRAINING --------------------
Number of training samples: 13
Iteration: 10 ; error = 0.6953
Iteration: 20 ; error = 0.1394
Iteration: 30 ; error = 0.0659
Iteration: 40 ; error = 0.0351
Iteration: 50 ; error = 0.0216
Iteration: 60 ; error = 0.0152
Iteration: 70 ; error = 0.0129
Iteration: 80 ; error = 0.0116
Iteration: 90 ; error = 0.0112
Iteration: 97 ; error = 0.0114
Target error difference (tol) 0.0001 reached.
Training time: 0.0283s
------------------ RESULTS ---------------------
Full matrix:
[[4.98410279 2.99956407 3.36916102 1.01299501]
[3.99438678 2.42353852 2.04634334 1.01090409]
[1.00989163 1.0039021 5.03071931 4.98151913]
[1.01003283 0.79970579 4.07342854 3.99419062]
[1.46899817 1.01864929 4.98750062 3.99674531]]
-------------- TRAINED PARAMETERS --------------
Item bias:
[-0.04812197 -0.99631352 1.06112858 0.03967185]
User bias:
[ 0.11894482 -0.24765476 0.30930861 -0.18215793 -0.04182148]
Item latent matrix:
[[-0.36340674 1.34937584]
[ 0.91397388 1.0049598 ]
[-0.01623151 -1.28625188]
[ 0.24713568 -0.96272711]
[-0.70271012 -0.79869938]]
User latent matrix:
[[-0.06404323 1.57167141]
[ 0.06188038 0.83756483]
[-0.93218956 -0.68098678]
[-0.1048773 -1.44731029]]