By Gabriel Rosales
Semester project, asked by the proffesor Byron Vasquez, this API is intended to be consume by a java desktop application and a webpage
It solves the problem set by a pharmacy that needs a new system to handle sells and inventory.
Super user test: password
- Name (String - full name)
- Rol (Int - employee or manager, etc, level of access)
- Phone (String)
- Adress (String - short address)
- Email (String - id)
- status (Bool - active or not)
- employeeNumber(String - carnet)
- schedule (Int - map with different turns and schedules)
- Name (String - full company name)
- Phone (String)
- Adress (String - short address)
- Email (String)
- month (Array - String[])
- ProductFamily (Array - ProductFamily[])
- Name (String - full company name)
- Phone (String)
- Adress (String - short address)
- Email (String - id)
- Recepits (Array - Receipt[])
- ProductName (String - full product name)
- UnitPrice (FLoat)
- Stock (Int)
- Supplier (Supplier - id)
- ProductName (String - full product name)
- ExplirationDate (Date)
- PriceAtMoment (Float)
- ProductFamily (ProductFamily - id)
- Products (Array - Product[])
- Cost (Int - Sumatory of all the PriceAtMoment)
- Client (Int - connection to the user)
- Status (Bool - if its a close car or it is the cart that the user is using)
- Employee (Employee)
- Client (Client)
- Sell (Sell)
- TotalCost (Cost adding iva)
- Date (Date)
App that holds the custom user model, used for the employees.
App that holds the individual products, suppliers and the family of products
App that holds the sells (carts), clients and the receipts
- host/ app_name / model_name
- Get all list of the models
- Post can post a new item
- /id GET can get a specific item
- /id PUT can update a specific item
- host/products/clientReceipts/id/
Example :
- host/users/userReceipts/
Adds an item to a sell, that has products who are born out of the product family and assigned to a client - PUT
- host/sells/additemcart/sellid/productFamilyid/clientid
Example :
- host/sells/deleteitemcart/sellid/productid/clientid
Example :
- host/sells/createreceipt/sellid/clientid
Example :
1. Do not create receipts from the viewset
2. You have to create sells from the viewset
3. You manage the products from the sell updating and deleting them
4. When creating a receipt the sell associated will be status False so is no longer usable
- 1 is 6:00am to 12:00pm
- 2 is 12:00pm to 6:00pm
- 1 is Paracetamol
- 2 is Cebion
- 3 is Nauseol
- 4 is Suero
- 5 is Acetaminofen
- 6 is Chocolate
- 7 is Zorritone
- 1 is employee
- 2 is supervisor