SE-Sync is a certifiably correct algorithm for synchronization over the special Euclidean group, a common problem arising in the context of 2D and 3D geometric estimation such as pose-graph SLAM for example. A detailed explanation of the algorithm can be found in this paper.
This code implements the riemannian optimization problem given in problem 4 (equation 13) of the paper.
The main function for the SE-Sync optimization problem is in /test/TestStieSync.cpp
The computation of the function, gradient and hessian (shown in equation 14 of the paper) can be found in /Problems/StieSync/ folder.
To compile this example run the following command:
$ make ROPTLIB TP=TestStieSync
After compilation, the command to run the example is the following:
$ <path_to_file>/TestStieSync Q_Dataset_Path n d p Initial_value_X0_path
Datasets for matrix Q can be found at:
If the path is not provided to the data for initializing the value of X, then a random point is created on the stacked Stiefel manifold.
The optimum value of X is stored in a text file. The path to the file can be altered within the code. Gradient and hessian checks are displayed in the terminal for verification.