1 - Kubernetes Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X48VuDVv0do
2 - Kubernetes YAML File Explained - Deployment and Service: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmDzcu5uY1I
3 - Basic Docker Commands:
# Build a docker image from a Dockerfile
docker build -t {IMAGE_NAME} {DOCKERFILE_DIR}
# Start an instance of a docker image
docker run -it -p {SPECIFY_PORT} -d {IMAGE_NAME}
(-it stands for --> interactive terminal)
(-d stands for ---> detached mode)
# See all images
docker images
# Start a container
docker start {CONTAINER ID}
# See running containers
docker ps
# See unrunning container
docker ps -a
# Get a shell in a container
docker exec -it {CONTAINER ID} sh
# Stop a container
docker kill {CONTAINER ID}
# Delete all unused Docker images and cache
docker system prune
4 - Managing Pods With Kubernetes:
# Create a pod from a YAML file
kubectl create -f {FILE_NAME.yaml}
# Delete a pod
kubectl delete deployment {DEPLOYMENT}
kubectl delete service {SERVICE}
# Get a shell in a pod
kubectl exec -it <POD_NAME> -- /bin/sh
# Restart a deployment
kubectl rollout restart deployment {NAME}
# Launch minikube dashboard
minikube dashboard
# Get cluster external IP
minikube ip
# Reset Minikube VM
minikube delete