The runtime of ymir, link directly at compilation time The runtime is in two parts, the std and the real runtime. Complete compilation of the runtime is made in the Ymir-Docker repository, for example : Dockerfile
If you have compiled gyc yourself on your computer, and just want to test an updated std. Before executed the following script, you have to install gyc locally, following the instruction given in gymir/Readme
cd {install_dir}
git clone yruntime
cd {install_dir}/yruntime/midgard
# install the header files (that can be imported in ymir within: core::, std::, etc::)
# requires a locally installed gyc
sudo ./install
# compile the std, require a locally installed gyc
mkdir .build
cd .build
cmake ..
sudo make install # install the .so in /usr/lib
cd {install_dir}/yruntime/runtime
mkdir .build
cd .build
cmake ..
sudo make install # install the .so in /usr/lib
The repository Ymir-Docker is the repository used to create releases of the runtime.