Repository containing the MATLAB open source code for the Time-Varying Kalman Attitude Estimator (TVKAE).
Authors: Alvaro Deibe, Jose A. Anton Nacimiento, Jesus Cardenal and Fernando López Peña. Universidade da Coruña, Spain;
Last modified: 20/03/2023
When using information from this repository, please cite the following works:
- A. Deibe, J.A. Anton Nacimiento, J. Cardenal, and F. López Peña, "A Kalman Filter for Nonlinear Attitude Estimation Using Time Variable Matrices and Quaternions," Sensors, vol. 20, no. 23, p. 6731, Nov. 2020,
- A. Deibe, J.A. Anton Nacimiento, J. Cardenal, and F. López Peña, "A Time–Varying Kalman Filter for Low–Acceleration Attitude Estimation", Measurement, 2023,
TVKAE.m: MATLAB code for the TVKAE.
errEvalTVKAE.m: Matlab code for evaluating the attitude estimation error according to the methodology by Caruso et al. [3].
verification.m: Matlab code for verification of the TVKAE error with beta=0 (TV0) as it has been published in table 2 in [2].
/Data: This folder is empty. In order for the algorithm to work, it should contain the data (fast_v5.mat, medium_v5.mat and slow_v5.mat) from Caruso et al. repositories, at:
- GitHub: "" or at
- IEEEDataPort: "".
It is also necessary that the user main folder contains the function "correctQuat.m", available at Caruso et al. sensor_fusion_algorithm_codes repository:
- M. Caruso, A. M. Sabatini, M. Knaflitz, M. Gazzoni, U. D. Croce and A. Cereatti, "Orientation Estimation Through Magneto-Inertial Sensor Fusion: A Heuristic Approach for Suboptimal Parameters Tuning," in IEEE Sensors Journal, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 3408-3419, 1 Feb.1, 2021,