####Installation and update Execute the following line in bash shell:
Install for the first time:
git clone git@github.com:Gundars/bashscripts.git ~/.bashscripts && bash ~/.bashscripts/install.sh
Update existing scripts:
###gcobranch Git checkout branch - checks out and pulls specified git {branch} in all git repos found in each of specified directories {dir}
Syntax: $ gcobranch {branch} {dir1} [{dir2} {dir3}...]
###gitmerge Git merge - merges current branch with {branch}, pushes changes to origin
If no {branch} is specified, current branch is merged with development branch
Syntax: $ gitmerge [options] [branch]
generate links to test/master pull requests
###gitscan Scan all directories {dir} for git repositories and perform actions based on options
Syntax: $ gitscan [options] {dir1} [{dir2} {dir3}...]
update remote origins URL from oauth/ssh format to https-m
list all modified files-c
create test and development branches in sync with origin
###buildenv Changes {build number} for a {branch} on site environment {env}
Warning: Before using script, change line 4 'https/link/to/encriched.git' in file ~/.bashscripts/config/user.sh - swap dummy string with enriched repository URL
Syntax: $ buildenv {env} {branch} {build number}
###gitpress Git compress - compresses all commits in current local branch into single commit
Syntax: $ gitpress [options]
force compress on generic branch names (development, test, master)-p
force push to remote using "+branchname"
Warning: This will disable history, allign with master to fix pull requests