The React Profile component displays information about a user on a social network.
User data is retrieved from the "user.json" file.
The "Statistics" component is a React component that presents statistics based on the provided props. These statistics could include uploads to the cloud by file type, webpage visits by users from different countries, financial expenses, and more.
Statistics data is stored in the "data.json" file.
The "FriendList" component in React provides information about a user's friends.
Friend data is sourced from the "friends.json" file.
The "Transaction History" component displays a transaction history created within the personal profile of an Internet Bank.
Data for the list is available in JSON format within the "transactions.json" file. This data consists of an array of objects, with each object describing a single transaction.
src/: This directory contains the source code for the project, including components and data.
src/data/: This folder holds the data used to populate the components.
src/components/: Within this directory, you'll find folders for each component. Each component folder contains React files and corresponding CSS modules.