27.09.2021 - Ferdinand Marx - GFMSoft - www.GFMSOFT.de This script converts MAIDENHEADLOCATOR to LATITUDE and LONGTITUDE and calculates the distance. Result is rounded It uses the haversine formula. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haversine_formula
- First you have to declare your own locator.
- For this example our own locator is IO94GC - see $ownlocator
- Leave $r and $mathpi as it is
- Just call the function "Calcdistance" with a Maidenheadlocator-String !MUST HAVE 6 Characters!
Example 1
MsgBox(64, "Info", "Distance to IO94GC is " & calcdistance("JN63EV") & " km !")
Example 2
Consolewrite("Distance is "& calcdistance("JN63EV") &" km."& @crlf)