Disclamier: this repository and its documentation are OUTDATED. If you want to use the program or read about it, PLEASE GO TO: https://github.com/rizac/stream2segment
A python project to download, process and visualize event-based seismic waveform segments.
The key aspects with respect to widely-used similar applications are:
- A db storage (sqlite or postgres) for downloaded data (and metadata)
- A highly customizable processing module which can, e.g., create csv file outputs or store on the local file system the processed waveform segments.
- A visualization tool to show downloded and optionally customized processed segments in a web browser by means of python we-app and Javascript plotting libraries. The user can also set class labels to make the GUI a hand-labelling tool for supervised classification problems, or to simply annotate special segments
- A highly efficient, easy-to-use selection of segments for filtering data for processing and/or visualization. The selection can be performed on all segments metadata, it exploits the efficiency of SQL 'select' syntax and its simplified for non-experienced user with a documented and simplified custom syntax.
** Citation: **
Zaccarelli, Riccardo (2018): Stream2segment: a tool to download, process and visualize event-based seismic waveform data. V. 2.7.3. GFZ Data Services.
This program has been installed and tested on Ubuntu14.04, Ubuntu16.04 and Mac OSX El Capitan
This is a set of system packages which are necessary to run the program on Ubuntu. On Mac OsX El Capitan, we did not experience the need of these packages as they are probably pre-installed, so you can try to skip this section in the first place and get back here just in case.
We suggest to upgrade gcc
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade gcc
You can skip installing the system packages and get back here in case of problems, or choose to be (almost) sure (see also Installation Notes):
NOTE Replace python2.7-dev
with python3-dev
and python-pip
with python3-pip
if you want to use the tool under python3
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git python-pip python2.7-dev libpng-dev libfreetype6-dev \
build-essential gfortran libatlas-base-dev libxml2-dev libxslt-dev python-tk
Another option is to install really required packages:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git python-pip python2.7-dev # python 2
sudo apt-get install git python3-pip python3-dev # python 3
and get back here in case of problems
Git-clone (basically: download) this repository to a specific folder of your choice:
git clone https://github.com/rizac/stream2segment.git
and move into package folder:
cd stream2segment
(If using Anaconda, skip this section and go to the next one)
We strongly recomend to use python virtual environment, because by isolating all python packages we are about to install, we won't create conflicts with already installed packages.
To install python virtual environment either use [Virtualenvwrapper][http://virtualenvwrapper.readthedocs.io/en/latest/install.html#basic-installation] or the more low-level approach virtualenv
sudo pip install virtualenv
Make virtual environment in an stream2segment/env directory (env is a convention, but it's ignored by git commits so better keep it)
virtualenv env
(on ubuntu 16.04, we got the message 'virtualenv: Command not found.'. We just typed: /usr/local/bin/virtualenv env
and activate it:
Python 3 has a built-in support for virtual environments - venv. It might be better to use that instead. To install
sudo apt-get install python3-venv
Make virtual environment in an stream2segment/env directory (env is a convention, but it's ignored by git commits so better keep it)
python3 -m venv ./env
source env/bin/activate
or source env/bin/activate.csh
(depending on your shell)
Activation needs to be done each time we will run the program. See section Usage below. To check you are in the right env, type:
which pip
and you should see it's pointing inside the env folder
(Thanks to JessieMyr who wrote this for us NOTE: this refers to an installation executed once in 2016, sorry for potential problems for that)
Create a virtual environment for your project
- In the terminal client enter the following where yourenvname (like « env ») is the name you want to call your environment, and replace x.x with the Python version you wish to use. (To see a list of available python versions first, type conda search "^python$" and press enter.)
Conda create –n yourenvname python=x.x anaconda
- Press « y » to proceed
Activate your virtual environment
$source activate env
- To deactivate this environment, use
$source deactivate
Now you are supposed to be in your python virtualenv
Run pip freeze
. If you get the message 'You are using pip version ..., however version ... is available.'
then execute:
pip install --upgrade pip
Run ./installme
or ./installme-dev
(the latter if you want to run tests, recommended)
Install via requirements file:
pip install ./requirements.txt
Alternatively, if you want to run tests (recommended):
pip install ./requirements.dev.txt
Install the current package
pip install -e .
Move in the project directory and run the command:
pytest -xv --dburl <additional db url> --ignore=./tests/skip ./tests/
or (if 'pytest not found' message appears):
python -m pytest ./tests/ -xv --ignore=./tests/skip
Wait, tests are time consuming (some minutes currently) and you should see a message with no errors, such as
"===== 8 passed in 1.30 seconds ======"
The database used for testing will be an sqlite database. If you want to provide other database urls use the variable --dburl
(you can type it multiple times and all tests requireing a database will be run with all provided database urls).
Example: if you have postgres installed with an already created database named s2s_test
, run:
pytest -xv --dburl postgresql://<user>:<password>@localhost/<dbname> --ignore=./tests/skip ./tests/
(the data on any given database will be overwritten if the database is not empty)
This is a short introduction explaining the first steps with the program. All instructions can be found by executing the following commands, either in the configuration files (.yaml and .py) or via the command line.
Move (cd
on a terminal) to the stream2segment folder. If you installed and activated a python virtual environment during installation (hopefully you did), activate the virtual environment first. For instance, if the virtual environment is installed inside the package folder:
source env/bin/activate
When you're finished, type deactivate
on the terminal to deactivate the current pythoin virtual environment and return to the global system defined Python
s2s --help
and check all available program commands.
The first to run is always s2s init
. Type:
s2s init --help
to list how to create the necessary files for downloading and processing data. s2s init
creates several template
files which can be inspected, edited and then used: one for downloading data (download configuration file),
and several others for processing downloaded data (where each processing template is represented by two files:
a python module + associated configuration file).
All instructions are written in the templates, as comments. Browse/edit the download configuration file and start a download via
s2s download
(type s2s download --help
for details). Once downloaded, browse (and edit them if needed)
the processing file and its configuration file and run the processing subroutine via
s2s process
(type s2s process --help
for details) or visualize plots of the downloaded data via
s2s show
(type s2s show --help
for details).
If you see (we experienced this while running tests, thus we can guess you should see it whenever accessing the program for the first time):
This system supports the C.UTF-8 locale which is recommended. You might be able to resolve your issue by exporting the following environment variables: export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 export LANG=C.UTF-8
Then edit your
on Mac) and put the two lines starting with 'export', and executesource ~/.profile
(source ~/.bash_profile
on Mac) and re-execute the program. -
On Ubuntu 12.10, there might be problems with libxml (
version libxml2_2.9.0' not found
). Move the file or create a link in the proper folder. The problem has been solved looking at http://phersung.blogspot.de/2013/06/how-to-compile-libxml2-for-lxml-python.html -
On Ubuntu 14.04 All following issues should be solved by following the instructions in the section Prerequisites. However:
For numpy installation problems (such as
Cannot compile 'Python.h'
) , the fix has been to update gcc and install python2.7-dev:sudo apt-get upgrade gcc sudo apt-get install python2.7-dev``` For details see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/18785063/install-numpy-in-python-virtualenv
For scipy problems,
build-essential gfortran libatlas-base-dev
are required for scipy (see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/2213551/installing-scipy-with-pip/3865521#3865521) -
For lxml problems,
libxml2-dev libxslt-dev
are required (see here: http://lxml.de/installation.html) -
For matplotlib problems (matplotlib is not used by the program but from imported libraries),
libpng-dev libfreetype6-dev
are required (see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25593512/cant-install-matplotlib-using-pip and http://stackoverflow.com/questions/28914202/pip-install-matplotlib-fails-cannot-build-package-freetype-python-setup-py-e)
The program saves data on a sql database (tested with postresql and sqlite). If sqlite is used as database, to visualize the sqlite content you can download sqlitebrowser (http://sqlitebrowser.org/). The installation on Mac is straightforward (use brew cask or go to the link above) whereas on Ubuntu can be done as follows:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:linuxgndu/sqlitebrowser
sudo apt-get install sqlitebrowser
A matplotlibrc
file is included in the main root package. As said, matplotlib is not used by the program
but from imported libraries, The included file sets the backend to 'Agg' so that we hide the "Turning interactive mode on" message (for Mac users)
- The program can be also installed via the usual way:
which means that the latest library dependancies will be downloaded. This however is not as safe as using
pip install -e .
because tests passed with the specific versions implemented therein. For developers whishing to 'upgrade' to new libraries, thus changing requirements.txt (and making pip install most likely work for a relatively medium period of time), the procedure is:Run tests (see above), if everything is fine you can replace oldpip install -e . pip freeze > ./requirements.tmp pip install -e .[dev,test] pip freeze > ./requirements.dev.tmp
with the.tmp
file created