We are open for your Pull Requests and yes this is a dedicated repository for creating PR for Hacktobest 2022 🔥
The RULES are very simple! (PS: You have to read even if boring 😂)
- There are basic cyber security oriented questions listed in another file called "flag.md"
- You have to go through those questions and try to answer maximum of them.
- The first PR with correct answer and the PR name as HACKTOBERFEST will be accpeted (FIRST COME FIRST SERVE)! Kindly send seperate PR for each seperate answer. It simply means- even if you write one correct answer or 4 correct answers at once - IT WILL BE COUNTED AS ONE SINGLE PR (So be smart and create PR for each right answer)
- Once your PR is approved (with label of "Hacktoberfest-Accepted") your name will be automatically listed in the shiny super "contributors"list 😎