Generate E-Certificate for participants. GDG Jammu orgainsed an event namely Back 2 Basic. We created this script for generating e-certificate for our participants.
- Most of free solution provided by 3rd party has a limit of 50 certifcate.
- Privacy issue while using 3rd party solution. We are know most of free solutions sells user data for keep running their services. In this case, it is our user emails.
- Generate real time certificate.
- Build-in QR Code
- Live previews & download
Client: PHP, Bootstrap
Server: Apache, MySQL
Clone it to your local machine
Fire up your localhost server
Create a database & import gdgjammu.sql
Now pass the key argument like: http://localhost/MyCertificate/B2BCertificate.php?key=<Your Key>
Note: Key must be unqiue & have corresponding name in database
Contributions are always welcome! Star, Fork & PR :)
If you have any feedback, please reach out to us at