Welcome to Cloud V2 the OPEN SOURCE Fortnite Private Server!
This Project was made OS to help people LEARN how to make a Private Server INSTEAD of Copy and Pasting
Take the chance to LEARN so you don't end up being a Skid so you can IMPROVE Not stay the same as others!
Enjoy :)
Go into vs 2019 and open Cloud_Launcher.sln
Build and go to the output folder that is where your .exe file (.\bin\x64\Release) is from now on that will be the root folder
Continue With DLL Setup
Go into VS 2019 and open Cloud.Runtime.sln
Go to framework.h
(.\Cloud.Runtime) and edit the Host and Port to your needs.
Then build and place that in your launcher (Main File.\Cloud_Launcher\bin\x64\Release)
Continue with Backend Setup!
Read all of the Files in the Docs Folder to get the Backend started!
You may NOT host this for your Server that is AGAINST OUR LICENCE only use it for yourself! DONT REHOST
Install NodeJS.
Install ALL DotNet click x64.
open the folder Cloud_Backend
open up install.bat
Run start.bat
In the Backend
Wait for it to show Servers Online (Version: 1.0.0 Port: 4495)
once it does the Backend should be running!
If you have not already created an account make one by typing in a Username and Password in the Backend Console
Open The Launcher
In settings set your Pass and Email to USERNAME@cloudfn.dev eg: GD@cloudfn.dev
and Pass is your Password
Also, Set the path to a Fortnite Version of idk or below
wait for the game to load and then you have your Private Server!
GD: Backend and Cloud.Runtime
irish: Launcher, All Backend, All Frontend
!Sky: Backend
Zinx: Backend and Launcher