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Maqueen Plus v2

Library to control maqueen plus v2 with micro:bit and micropython.

Dev: Versions

For changes in the API:

  • minor version: no breaking changes, bug fixes, mostly irrelevant new features
  • major version: breaking changes, new features

To release a new Version:

  1. [preparation] update the version comment (first Line) in
  2. [preparation] describe the changes in website/docs/api/
  3. commit all changes
  4. [docs] create a new Documentation Version (e.g 2.0.1): (cd website && yarn docusaurus docs:version 2.0.1)
  5. commit and tag the version (e.g. v2.0.1)
  6. push the changes and the tag to github

Github will build and deploy the new version of the documentation automatically.


Copy the file to your project folder micro:bit.

And import the library in your code in

from maqueen import *

motor_run(Motor.LEFT, 100)
motor_run(Motor.RIGHT, 100)



class Motor:
    LEFT = 0
    RIGHT = 1
    ALL = 2

class Direction:
    FORWARD = 0
    BACKWARD = 1

motor_run(motor: int, speed: int, dir: int = Direction.FORWARD)

Run the motor in the specified direction and speed.

  • speed: -255 to 255
  • dir: Direction.FORWARD or Direction.BACKWARD

A negative speed will run the motor in the opposite direction.

# run left motor forward at 100% speed
motor_run(Motor.LEFT, 255)
# run right motor backward at 50% speed
motor_run(Motor.RIGHT, 128, Direction.BACKWARD)
# or equivalent
motor_run(Motor.RIGHT, -128)

# run both motors forward at 100% speed
motor_run(Motor.ALL, 255)

motor_stop(motor: int = Motor.ALL)

Stops both (default) motors or the selected motor.

# stop both motors
# stop left motor

motor_calibration(motor: int, calibration: list[tuple[float, float]])

The motors of the maqueen are not perfectly aligned. Therefore, a calibration can be applied to correct the speed of the motors. You can set one or more calibration points for each motor. The calibration points are tuples of the form (speed, correction). The correction is a factor that is multiplied with given motor speeds. A correction of 1 means that the motor will not be corrected. A correction of 0.5 means that the motor will run at half the speed.

# set calibration for left motor with 2 calibration points. Correction factors are interpolated linear.
motor_calibration(Motor.LEFT, [(25, 1.3), (200, 1.2)])
# set calibration for right motor with 1 calibration point
motor_stop(Motor.RIGHT, [(100, 1.1)])
# reset calibration for left motor
motor_calibration(Motor.LEFT, [])

# add multiple calibration points. The correction factors are interpolated linear
motor_calibration(Motor.LEFT, [(25, 1.3), (50, 1.2), (100, 1.4), (200, 1.0)]) # => correction factor for speed 75 is 1.3


class Led:
    LEFT = 0
    RIGHT = 1
    ALL = 2

class ColorLED:
    L1 = 0
    L2 = 1
    R2 = 2
    R1 = 3
    ALL = 4

class Color:
    RED = 0xFF0000
    ORANGE = 0xFFA500
    YELLOW = 0xFFFF00
    GREEN = 0x00FF00
    BLUE = 0x0000FF
    INDIGO = 0x4B0082
    VIOLET = 0x8A2BE2
    PURPLE = 0xFF00FF
    BLACK = 0x000000

led_red(on: bool, led: int = Led.ALL)

Turns on or off the red led in front of the Maqueen.

By default, it turns on or off both leds.

# turn off left led
led_red(False, Led.LEFT)

led_rgb(rgb: int, led: int = ColorLED.ALL, brightness: int = _brightness)

Turns on the RGB led in the specified color. By default the same color is used for all 4 leds.

The color leds are arranged as follows:

  /  L1   R1  \
 |             |
 |L2         R2|
# turn on all leds in red
# turn on upper left led in green
led_rgb(Color.GREEN, ColorLED.L1)
# use a custom color
led_rgb(rgb(255, 128, 0), ColorLED.R1)
# use a specific brightness [0-255]. By default, the global brightness is used.
led_rgb(Color.BLUE, brightness=50) # does not change the global brightness

led_brightness(brightness: int)

Sets the global brightness of the RGB leds.

led_brightness(255) # full brightness
led_brightness(0) # leds off

led_rgb_off(led: int = ColorLED.ALL)

Sets the RGB led to black (off, 0).

led_rgb_off() # turn off all leds
led_rgb_off(ColorLED.L2) # turn off lower left led

rgb(r: int, g: int, b: int)

Helper function to convert a rgb color to an int

rgb(255, 128, 0) # => 16744448  (its hex value is 0xFF8000)

Line Tracking

class LineSensor:
    L1 = 0
    M = 1
    R1 = 2
    L2 = 3
    R2 = 4

line_sensor(sensor: int)

Returns the value of the specified line tracking sensor.

  /  L1 M R1  \
 |             |
 |L2         R2|
line_sensor(LineSensor.M) # => 0 or 1

When LineSensor.ALL is used, a 5-tuple with values of all sensors is returned. The order is clockwise starting with the leftmost sensor: (L2, L1, M, R1, R2)

line_sensor(LineSensor.ALL) # => tuple of all sensors, (0, 1, 1, 0, 1)
                            # => L1, M and R2 are on the line

line_sensor_data(sensor: int)

Returns the raw data of the specified line tracking sensor.

line_sensor_data(LineSensor.M) # => 0-1023

When LineSensor.ALL is used, a 5-tuple with values of all sensors is returned. The order is clockwise starting with the leftmost sensor: (L2, L1, M, R1, R2)

line_sensor_data(LineSensor.ALL) # => tuple of all sensors, (12, 1023, 721, 23, 222)
                                 # => All sensors read a value between 0 and 1023

Ultrasonic Sensor


Returns the distance in centimeters.

ultrasonic() # => 0-500

When the ultrasonic sensor is not connected to the default trigger pin13 and echo pin14, you can specify the pins as arguments.

ultrasonic(trig=pin0, echo=pin1) # => 0-500


Returns the version of the maqueen platform.

version() # => 'MBT0021-EN-2.1'

Compass Heading

Since the compass is mounted in the maqueen such that the y-axis points upwards and the z-axis points forward, the heading calculated by the micro:bit is not correct (it assumes the y-axis points forward and the z-axis points upwards).

Therefore, a tilt-compensated compass heading is calculated using the accelerometer and magnetometer data assuming the micro:bit is mounted in the maqueen.


The heading is returned in degrees between 0 and 359. The heading is calculated using the accelerometer and magnetometer data.

! Pay attention to inferring the heading while the maqueen is moving, since the motors produce magnetic noise.

mq_heading() # => 0-359

heading_diff(heading0: float, apply_window: bool = True)

Returns the difference between the current heading and the specified heading in degrees between -180 and 180.

To get more stable results, a moving average filter is applied to the heading (default window size is 1). The window size can be changed by setting the global variable heading_set_window_size (see below).

initial_heading = 20
# maqueen turned by 45 degrees to the right
heading_diff(initial_heading) # => 45
# maqueen now turned by 90 degrees to the left
heading_diff(initial_heading) # => -45

the moving average filter can be disabled by setting apply_window to False.

heading_diff(initial_heading, apply_window=False) # => -45

heading_set_window_size(size: int)

Sets the window size of the moving average filter used to calculate the heading difference.

heading_set_window_size(5) # => window size of 5

To disable the moving average filter, set the window size to 1.

heading_set_window_size(1) # => no moving average filter


Drive forward straight, correcting the heading using the compass.

from microbit import *
from maqueen import *

SPEED = 40

h0 = mq_heading()
motor_run(Motor.ALL, SPEED)

state = 'FORWARD'
while True:
    dh = heading_diff(h0)
    if button_a.was_pressed():
    elif button_b.was_pressed():
        h0 = mq_heading()
        state = 'FORWARD'
    if state == 'FORWARD':
        motor_run(Motor.ALL, SPEED) # arrow forward
        if dh < -THRESHOLD:
            state = 'TURN:RIGHT'
        elif dh > THRESHOLD:
            state = 'TURN:LEFT'
    elif state == 'TURN:LEFT': # arrow left 
        motor_run(Motor.LEFT, SPEED - DT_TURN)
        motor_run(Motor.RIGHT, SPEED + DT_TURN)
        if dh <= 0:
            state = 'FORWARD'
    elif state == 'TURN:RIGHT': # arrow right 
        motor_run(Motor.LEFT, SPEED + DT_TURN)
        motor_run(Motor.RIGHT, SPEED - DT_TURN)
        if dh >= 0:
            state = 'FORWARD'