You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 476
- API documentation
- Notes
- Manage Multiple Domains
- Definitions
- Manage Resold Customers
- Display Resold Customers
- Manage Resold Subscriptions
- Display Resold Subscriptions
- https://developers.google.com/admin-sdk/reseller/v1/reference/customers
- https://developers.google.com/admin-sdk/reseller/v1/reference/subscriptions
Updated handling of seats
option in gam create|update resoldsubscription
to properly assign
the API fields numberOfSeats
and maximumNumberOfSeats
Prior to version 6.50.00, this is how the seats <NumberOfSeats> <MaximumNumberOfSeats>
option was processed:
- Plan name
seats <NumberOfSeats>
was properly passed to the API -
seats <NumberOfSeats> <MaximumNumberOfSeats>
was properly passed to the API;<MaximumNumberOfSeats>
was passed to the API which ignored it
- Plan name
seats <NumberOfSeats>
was improperly passed to the API; an API error was generated -
seats <NumberOfSeats> <MaximumNumberOfSeats>
was properly passed to the API;<NumberOfSeats>
was passed to the API which ignored it
Now, you can still use the above option which has been corrected or you can specify seats <Number>
which will be properly passed in the correct form to the API based on plan name.
Thanks to Duncan Isaksen-Loxton for a script to help manage multiple domains.
<CustomerID> ::= <String>
<DomainName> ::= <String>(.<String>)+
<EmailAddress> ::= <String>@<DomainName>
<ResoldCustomerAttribute> ::=
(email|alternateemail <EmailAddress>)|
(contact|contactname <String>)|
(phone|phonenumber <String>)|
(name|organizationname <String>)|
(address|address1|addressline1 <String>)|
(address2|addressline2 <String>)|
(address3|addressline3 <String>)|
(city|locality <String>)|
(state|region <String>)|
(zipcode|postal|postalcode <String>)|
(country|countrycode <String>)
<SKUID> ::=
nv:<String>:<String> |
20gb | drive20gb | googledrivestorage20gb | Google-Drive-storage-20GB |
50gb | drive50gb | googledrivestorage50gb | Google-Drive-storage-50GB |
200gb | drive200gb | googledrivestorage200gb | Google-Drive-storage-200GB |
400gb | drive400gb | googledrivestorage400gb | Google-Drive-storage-400GB |
1tb | drive1tb | googledrivestorage1tb | Google-Drive-storage-1TB |
2tb | drive2tb | googledrivestorage2tb | Google-Drive-storage-2TB |
4tb | drive4tb | googledrivestorage4tb | Google-Drive-storage-4TB |
8tb | drive8tb | googledrivestorage8tb | Google-Drive-storage-8TB |
16tb | drive16tb | googledrivestorage16tb | Google-Drive-storage-16TB |
aimeetingsandmessaging | 1010470007 | AI Meetings and Messaging |
aisecurity | 1010470006 | AI Security |
appsheetcore | 1010380001 | AppSheet Core |
appsheetstandard | appsheetenterprisestandard | 1010380002 | AppSheet Enterprise Standard |
appsheetplus | appsheetenterpriseplus | 1010380003 | AppSheet Enterprise Plus |
assuredcontrols | 1010390001 | Assured Controls |
bce | beyondcorp | beyondcorpenterprise | cep | chromeenterprisepremium | 1010400001 | Chrome Enterprise Premium |
cdm | chrome | googlechromedevicemanagement | Google-Chrome-Device-Management |
cloudidentity | identity | 1010010001 | Cloud Identity |
cloudidentitypremium | identitypremium | 1010050001 | Cloud Identity Premium |
cloudsearch | 1010350001 | Cloud Search |
colabpro | 1010500001 | Colab Pro |
colabpro+ | colabproplus | 1010500002 | Colab Pro+ |
eeu | 1010490001 | SKU Endpoint Education Upgrade |
geminibiz | 1010470003 | Gemini Business |
geminiedu | 1010470004 | Gemini Education |
geminiedupremium| 1010470005 | Gemini Education Premium |
geminient| duetai | 1010470001 | Gemini Enterprise |
gsuitebasic | gafb | gafw | basic | Google-Apps-For-Business |
gsuitebusiness | gau | gsb | unlimited | Google-Apps-Unlimited |
gsuitebusinessarchived | gsbau | businessarchived | 1010340002 | Google Workspace Business - Archived User |
gsuiteenterprisearchived | gseau | enterprisearchived | 1010340001 | Google Workspace Enterprise Plus - Archived User |
gsuiteenterpriseeducation | gsefe | e4e | 1010310002 | Google Workspace for Education Plus - Legacy |
gsuiteenterpriseeducationstudent | gsefes | e4es | 1010310003 | Google Workspace for Education Plus - Legacy (Student) |
gsuitegov | gafg | gsuitegovernment | Google-Apps-For-Government |
gsuitelite | gal | gsl | lite | Google-Apps-Lite |
gwep | workspaceeducationplus | 1010310008 | Google Workspace for Education Plus |
gwepstaff | workspaceeducationplusstaff | 1010310009 | Google Workspace for Education Plus (Staff) |
gwepstudent | workspaceeducationplusstudent | 1010310010 | Google Workspace for Education Plus (Extra Student)|
gwes | workspaceeducationstandard | 1010310005 | Google Workspace for Education Standard |
gwesstaff | workspaceeducationstandardstaff | 1010310006 | Google Workspace for Education Standard (Staff) |
gwesstudent | workspaceeducationstandardstudent | 1010310007 | Google Workspace for Education Standard (Extra Student)
gwetlu | workspaceeducationupgrade | 1010370001 | Google Workspace for Education: Teaching and Learning Upgrade |
gwlabs | workspacelabs | 1010470002 | Google Workspace Labs |
meetdialing | googlemeetglobaldialing | 1010360001 | Google Meet Global Dialing |
postini | gams | gsuitegams | gsuitepostini | gsuitemessagesecurity | Google-Apps-For-Postini |
standard | free | Google-Apps |
vault | googlevault | Google-Vault |
vfe | googlevaultformeremployee | Google-Vault-Former-Employee |
voicepremier | gvpremier | googlevoicepremier | 1010330002 | Google Voice Premier
voicestandard | gvstandard | googlevoicestandard | 1010330004 | Google Voice Standard |
voicestarter | gvstarter | googlevoicestarter | 1010330003 | Google Voice Starter |
wsas | plusstorage | 1010430001 | Google Workspace Additional Storage |
wsbizplus | workspacebusinessplus | 1010020025 | Google Workspace Business Plus |
wsbizplusarchived | workspacebusinessplusarchived | 1010340003 | Google Workspace Business Plus - Archived User |
wsbizstan | workspacebusinessstandard | 1010020028 | Google Workspace Business Standard }
wsbizstanarchived | workspacebusinessstandardarchived | 1010340006 | Google Workspace Business Standard - Archived User |
wsbizstarter | workspacebusinessstarter | wsbizstart | 1010020027 | Google Workspace Business Starter |
wsbizstarterarchived | workspacebusinessstarterarchived | 1010340005 | Google Workspace Business Starter - Archived User |
wsentess | workspaceenterpriseessentials | 1010060003 | Google Workspace Enterprise Essentials |
wsentplus | workspaceenterpriseplus | gae | gse | enterprise | gsuiteenterprise | 1010020020 | Google Workspace Enterprise Plus |
wsentstan | workspaceenterprisestandard | 1010020026 | Google Workspace Enterprise Standard |
wsentstanarchived | workspaceenterprisestandardarchived | 1010340004 | Google Workspace Enterprise Standard - Archived User |
wsentstarter | workspaceenterprisestarter | wes | 1010020029 | Workspace Enterprise Starter |
wsess | workspaceesentials | gsuiteessentials | essentials | d4e | driveenterprise | drive4enterprise | 1010060001 | Google Workspace Essentials |
wsessplus | workspaceessentialsplus | 1010060005 | Google Workspace Essentials Plus |
wsflw | workspacefrontline | workspacefrontlineworker | 1010020030 | Google Workspace Frontline Starter |
wsflwstan | workspacefrontlinestan | workspacefrontlineworkerstan | 1010020031 | Google Workspace Frontline Standard
gam create resoldcustomer <CustomerDomain> (customer_auth_token <String>)
gam update resoldcustomer <CustomerID>
gam info resoldcustomer <CustomerID> [formatjson]
By default, Gam displays the information as an indented list of keys and values.
- Display the fields in JSON format.
gam create resoldsubscription <CustomerID> (sku <SKUID>)
(plan annual_monthly_pay|annual_yearly_pay|flexible|trial)
(seats <Number>)
[customer_auth_token <String>] [deal <String>] [purchaseorderid <String>]
gam update resoldsubscription <CustomerID> <SKUID>
(renewal auto_renew_monthly_pay|auto_renew_yearly_pay|cancel|
(seats <Number>)|
(plan annual_monthly_pay|annual_yearly_pay|flexible|trial [deal <String>]
[purchaseorderid <String>] [seats <Number>])
gam delete resoldsubscription <CustomerID> <SKUID> cancel|downgrade|transfer_to_direct
gam info resoldsubscription <CustomerID> <SKUID>
gam show resoldsubscriptions
[customerid <CustomerID> [customer_auth_token <String>]] [customer_prefix <String>]
[maxresults <Number>]
By default, Gam displays the information as an indented list of keys and values.
- Maximum number of results per page. The default is 100 (maximum). -
- Display the fields in JSON format.
gam print resoldsubscriptions [todrive <ToDriveAttribute>*]
[customerid <CustomerID> [customer_auth_token <String>]] [customer_prefix <String>]
[maxresults <Number>]
[formatjson [quotechar <Character>]]
By default, when writing CSV files, Gam uses a quote character of double quote "
. The quote character is used to enclose columns that contain
the quote character itself, the column delimiter (comma by default) and new-line characters. Any quote characters within the column are doubled.
When using the formatjson
option, double quotes are used extensively in the data resulting in hard to read/process output.
The quotechar <Character>
option allows you to choose an alternate quote character, single quote for instance, that makes for readable/processable output.
defaults to gam.cfg/csv_output_quote_char
. When uploading CSV files to Google, double quote "
should be used.
Need more help? Ask on the GAM Discussion Group
Update History
- How to Install GAM7
- How to Upgrade GAMADV-XTD3 to GAM7
- How to Upgrade Legacy GAM to GAM7
- How to Update GAM7
- Verifying a GAM7 Build is Legitimate and Official
- Install GAM as Python Library
- GAM7 on Chrome OS Devices
- GAM7 on Android Devices
- Google Network Addresses
- HTTPS Proxy
- SSL Root CA Certificates
- How to Uninstall GAM7
- Authorization
- GAM Configuration
- Running GAM7 securely on a Google Compute Engine
- Using GAM7 with a delegated admin service account
- Using GAM7 with a YubiKey
- GAM with minimal GCP rights
Notes and Information
- Upgrade Benefits
- Questions? Visit the GAM Discussion Forum
- GAM Public Chat Room
- Scripts
- Other Resources
- Drive REST API v3
- BNF Syntax
- GAM Return Codes
- Python Regular Expressions
- Rclone
Command Processing
- Bulk Processing
- Command Line Parsing
- Command Logging and Progress
- Command data from Google Docs/Sheets/Storage
- CSV Special Characters
- CSV Input Filtering
- CSV Output Filtering
- Meta Commands and File Redirection
- Permission matches
- Tag Replace
- Todrive
Client Access
- Addresses
- Administrators
- Alert Center
- Aliases
- Calendars
- Calendars - Access
- Calendars - Events
- Chrome Auto Update Expiration Counts
- Chrome Browser Cloud Management
- Chrome Device Needs Attention Counts
- Chrome Installed Apps
- Chrome Policies
- Chrome Printers
- Chrome Profile Management
- Chrome Version Counts
- Chrome Version History
- ChromeOS Devices
- Classroom - Courses
- Classroom - Guardians
- Classroom - Invitations
- Classroom - Membership
- Cloud Channel
- Cloud Identity Devices
- Cloud Identity Groups
- Cloud Identity Groups - Membership
- Cloud Identity Policies
- Cloud Storage
- Context Aware Access Levels
- Customer
- Domains
- Domains - Verification
- Domain People - Contacts & Profiles
- Domain Shared Contacts - Global Address List
- Email Audit Monitor
- Find File Owner
- Google Data Transfers
- Groups
- Groups - Membership
- Inbound SSO
- Licenses
- Mobile Devices
- Organizational Units
- Reports
- Reseller
- Resources
- Send Email
- Schemas
- Shared Drives
- Sites
- Users
- Unmanaged Accounts
- Users - Signout and Turn off 2-Step Verification
- Vault - Takeout
- Version and Help
Special Service Account Access
Service Account Access
- Users - Analytics Admin
- Users - Application Specific Passwords
- Users - Backup Verification Codes
- Users - Calendars
- Users - Calendars - Access
- Users - Calendars - Events
- Users - Chat
- Users - Classification Labels
- Users - Classroom - Profile
- Users - Deprovision
- Users - Contacts
- Users - Contacts - Delegates
- Users - Drive - File Selection
- Users - Drive - Activity/Settings
- Users - Drive - Cleanup
- Users - Drive - Comments
- Users - Drive - Copy/Move
- Users - Drive - Files-Display
- Users - Drive - Files-Manage
- Users - Drive - Orphans
- Users - Drive - Ownership
- Users - Drive - Permissions
- Users - Drive - Query
- Users - Drive - Revisions
- Users - Drive - Shortcuts
- Users - Drive - Transfer
- Users - Forms
- Users - Gmail - Client Side Encryption
- Users - Gmail - Delegates
- Users - Gmail - Filters
- Users - Gmail - Forwarding
- Users - Gmail - Labels
- Users - Gmail - Messages/Threads
- Users - Gmail - Profile
- Users - Gmail - S/MIME
- Users - Gmail - SendAs/Signature/Vacation
- Users - Gmail - Settings
- Users - Group Membership
- Users - Keep
- Users - Looker Studio
- Users - Meet
- Users - Classroom - Profile
- Users - People - Contacts & Profiles
- Users - Photo
- Users - Profile Sharing
- Users - Shared Drives
- Users - Spreadsheets
- Users - Tasks
- Users - Tokens
- Users - YouTube
GAM Tutorials
- Account Auditing
- Calendar Settings
- Chat Bot commands
- Chrome Browser Management
- Chrome Policy Settings
- Context Aware Access levels
- Data Transfers
- Domain Verification
- Google Drive Management
- Group Settings
- Inbound SSO Settings
- Managing Admins
- Managing Classroom
- Managing Custom User Schemas
- Managing Devices
- Managing Organizations
- Managing Product Licenses
- Managing Users, Groups, Aliases, Domains, Mobile and Chrome Devices, and Resource Calendars
- OAuth Authentication Related Commands
- Print Users, Groups, Aliases, Mobile and Chrome OS devices, OUs, Licenses and Reports
- Printers
- Unmanaged Users and Invitations
- User Email Settings
- User Security Settings