A monorepo boilerplate code for typesafe full-stack Solidity development.
Here's an overview of the included frameworks and tools.
- Next.js - Minimalistic framework for server-rendered React applications.
- Typescript - Superset of JavaScript which primarily provides optional static typing, classes and interfaces.
- ESLint - The pluggable linting utility.
- Turborepo - High-performance build system for JavaScript and TypeScript codebases.
- PNPM - Fast, disk space efficient package manager.
- Wagmi - React Hooks library for Ethereum.
- Tailwind CSS - Rapidly build modern websites without ever leaving your HTML.
- Typechain - TypeScript bindings for Ethereum smart contracts.
- Hardhat - Ethereum development environment for professionals.
- Hardhat-deploy - A Hardhat Plugin For Replicable Deployments And Easy Testing.
- Chai - A BDD / TDD assertion library for node and the browser that can be delightfully paired with any javascript testing framework.
- Mocha - A feature-rich JavaScript test framework.
To run this project in Gitpod, follow these steps:
- Click this link to deploy to gitpod
- Import the RPC address given to you by GitPod into your MetaMask wallet
This endpoint will look something like this:
The chain ID should be 1337. If you have a localhost rpc set up, you may need to overwrite it.
you can also change your status of your open ports by going to port settings.
Clone the project
npx degit G3root/nextjs-dapp-starter-ts my-project
Go to the project directory
cd my-project
Install dependencies
pnpm install
Start the development server
pnpm dev
To generate production build
pnpm build