This plugin is dedicated to launch RMarkDown rendering from Funz. It supports the following syntax and features:
- file type supported: *.Rmd, any other format for resources
- parameter syntax:
- variable syntax:
- formula syntax:
- comment char:
- variable syntax:
- example input file:
--- title: "Untitled" --- we set x1 to ?[x1~[1,2]] we set x2 to ?x2 mean_speed=`r mean(cars$speed) + !{?x2 + 1.23 | #.###}`
- will identify input:
- x1, expected to vary inside [1,2]
- x2, expected to vary inside [0,1] (by default)
- replace
!{?x2 + 1.23 | #.###}
expression by its evaluation
- will identify input:
- file type supported: *.html
- read any named value printed with '=`r ...', like
- example output file:
... <p>mean_speed=15.4</p> ...
- will return output:
- mean_speed=15.4
- will return output: