Env settings and command line tools for jee building and deployment. Openjdk & maven.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
Shortcut to Run Docker if environment is already set.
- Ubuntu, Debian or CentOS operating system
- A user account with sudo privileges
- Command-line/terminal (CTRL-ALT-T or Applications menu > Accessories > Terminal)
- Docker software repositories (optional)
The specific steps to installing Docker will differ depending on the host's operating system. Full instructions can be found on Docker's installation documentation
- Also, you may try Docker Desktop on Windows/Mac. See docs
- In any case, you can locally build your app with Maven using an isolated local repo.
Clone this repository on your local machine.
git clone https://github.com/Fundacio-Bit/jee-app-dist.git
Forking this repository for specific purpose app is recommended
Environment values are preconfigured. See ./settings.template.d folder.
Execute bin/app_settings.sh script to create settings folder and .template files will be copied into. If a previous version exists will be backed up.
Optionally execute bin/app_clearenvbackup.sh to clean previous .backup files in settings folder.
Set app name by executing [bin/app_setappname.sh] (bin/app_setappname.sh). Set parameters codapp and app to long application name and short application name respectively.
bin/app_setappname.sh --codapp=long-application-name --app=shortapplicationname
Repeat this step every time app_settings have been executed. Otherwise app name will take default values.
Once you have updated local files
Execute bin/app_setenv.sh to create an .env file and values configured in settings folder will take effect.
You don't need to execute bin/lib_xxx_utils.sh by yourself. These scripts are sourced from others for read and export values from .env file, and should be updated with care. Sourced scripts are
- Values in ${some_value} format are previously configured.
- All vars in a file have a distinctive prefix except 200_jdk, 300_mvn, 400_jboss files.
Edit ./settings/100_app file and check variable values as shown
LONG_APP_NAME=long-app-name SHORT_APP_NAME=short-app-name
Edit ./settings/110_nginx for reverse proxy config. It contains all NGINX_xxx vars.
Edit ./settings/200_jdk file. These values set default Java Home and installation target. The environment scope is local to your script
By default, JDK version is 11. See ./settings.template.d/200_jdk.template to find some examples of other versions downloading. Also, default target is located at HOME dir.
See bin/jdk_jdkinstall.sh for jdk installation. Shortcut to Installing Java Tools if more detail is needed.
Edit ./settings/300_mvn file. These values set default Maven Home and installation target according environment. The environment scope is local to your script
By default, maven version is 3.6.3. See ./settings.template.d/300_mvn.template to find some examples of other versions downloading. Also, default target is located at HOME dir.
See bin/mvn_maveninstall.sh for maven installation. Shortcut to Installing Java Tools if more detail is needed.
Edit ./settings/400_jboss file. These values set default Jboss EAP Home and installation target according environment. The environment scope is local to your script
If jboss version < 7 should be manually installed. Othewise, keycloak uri arg must be set. By default, jboss environment is Wildfly/Keycloak Shortcut to Build and deploy if more detail is needed.
Edit ./settings/410_keycloak file. These values set default keycloak url and port. The environment scope is local to your script
Shortcut to Build and deploy if more detail is needed.
Edit ./settings/500_docker file. These values set default docker-compose.yaml file and docker username. The environment scope is local to your script
By default, a pod is composed by postgres + wildfly + keycloak + nginx. See ./settings.template.d/500_docker.template. Also, default username is lowercase app name.
Shortcut to Docker Settings if more detail is needed.
Edit ./settings/600_postgres file. The environment scope is local to your script
PostgreSQL is the default database, then environment vars use PG_ prefix. If other db is chosen this prefix can vary e.g. ORA_ , etc.
You may set values for other databases in separate files e.g. ./settings.template.d/610_oracle.template, ./settings.template.d/620_mysql.template
# Postgres section # Use this file for custom postgres settings PG_PORT=5441 PG_DUMP_TARGET=/app/postgresql/backups PG_95_PATH=/usr/lib/postgresql/9.5/bin PG_PATH=$PG_95_PATH PG_DUMP_DBNAME=${LONG_APP_NAME_LOWER} PG_DUMP_SCHEMA=${LONG_APP_NAME_LOWER} PG_DUMP_NAME=${LONG_APP_NAME_LOWER} PG_DUMP_HOSTNAME=localhost PG_DUMP_PORT=5441 PG_DUMP_FILENAME=${PG_DUMP_TARGET}/${LONG_APP_NAME_LOWER}.tar # End postgres section
Shortcut to Database backup and restore if more detail is needed.
Edit ./settings/900_custom file.
These values set any custom value not previously included in other files, like PATH The environment scope is local to your script
# Custom section # Use this file for custom app settings # End custom section # path update section PATH=$JBOSS_HOME/bin:$JAVA_HOME/bin:$M2_HOME/bin:$PATH # end path update section
Actual values could be different than above once files in setting folder had been edited. Take these only as an example.
Preconfigured values are stored in settings folder and can be used as is or locally modified at your discretion Although is possible to config any type of parameter, passwords should never be set at settings.template.d folder. All changes will be committed against repo. Always set critical data at settings local folder and set permission if needed.
To build and deploy a jee project with Maven.
Clone app repository at ${PROJECT_PATH}/.. by executing
cd .. git clone app-repository-url
App folder should be at same directory than jee-app-dist
Execute test_setup to check if all values are right
Generate from template local versions of config files.
JBoss EAP 5.1/5.2 using sar file
- source/${LONG_APP_NAME_LOWER}/sar/src/main/resources/${LONG_APP_NAME_LOWER}.properties
Generated from template by executing previously
JBoss 7/Wildfly properties files
- ${LONG_APP_NAME_LOWER}.properties
- ${LONG_APP_NAME_LOWER}.system.properties
${LONG_APP_NAME_LOWER}-ds.xml as datasource
Execute deploysetup
Generate local config for keycloak
Edit files in folders (local changes will not be committed)
- builds/wildfly-dist/wildfly/bin
- builds/wildfly-dist/wildfly/conf
- builds/wildfly-dist/wildfly/deploy
Build project
or build and copy files in deployment folder. If deployments folder needs root permission, then remove it first. JBoss deploy dir is set by default at /tmp/${LONG_APP_NAME_LOWER}/deployments.
Clone this repository on your local machine if you didn't yet.
git clone https://github.com/Fundacio-Bit/jee-app-dist.git
Run docker_install script to update and install docker.
Note that we add a new user which default password is "docker" and would better update it, even in preproduction stage.
sudo useradd -p $(openssl passwd -1 docker) docker -g docker
-p, --password PASSWORD The encrypted password, as returned by crypt(3). The default is to disable the password. Note: This option is not recommended because the password (or encrypted password) will be visible by users listing the processes. You should make sure the password respects the system's password policy.
See docker_install
Check preconfigured values and change them as explained above if needed.
Run app_setenv script. It generates an .env file from settings folder content to be allocated in main folder. When loading env variables, this file will be used as input. Repeat steps 2 and 3 as times as you need.
Please remember run after edit settings. Otherwise, .env will remain unmodified.
Optionally, run jdkinstall script. It downloads a tar.gz file and inflates into preconfigured target. See ./settings/200_jdk file. If jdk version is lower than 9, jdk platform must be manually installed.
Optionally, run maveninstall script. It downloads a tar.gz file and inflates into preconfigured target. See ./settings/300_mvn file. Running maven requires JAVA_HOME variable.
Run docker_start script. Runs docker-compose and starts containers configured in docker-compose.yaml
# Execute bin/app_setenv.sh previously ./bin/docker_start.sh
Run cleanup script. Stops all running containers
Shortcut to Getting started if more detail is needed.
Export and import database using pg_dump/pg_restore
Using local PostgreSQL installation as a client. See client backup and client restore files.
# Local Folder /app/postgresql/backups
# Backup
# Restore
Using containers. See container backup and container restore files.
# Local Folder /app/docker/postgresql/${LONG_APP_NAME_LOWER}/backups
# Backup
# Restore
- gdeignacio - gdeignacio-fundaciobit
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details