This code is based on a Retell demo illustrating a quick setup for integrating a frontend with a backend using React and Node.js. It showcases using the JS Client SDK.
- Clickable agent portrait image (round PNG with transparency) that Starts / Ends the call
- Green box shadow that pulses when Agent is speaking, turns white and static when User is speaking
- Clone into your own Vercel project
- Configure environmental variables: RETELL_API (your Retell API Key), RETELL_SAMPLE_RATE (default 48000), and REACT_APP_RETELL_AGENTID (Agent ID for your Retell Agent)
- Customize agent portrait image in code
- Tweak the CSS to your liking
- Deploy
<div id="Agent Name"></div>
iframe {
border: none;
width: 100%;
height: 400px;
border-radius: 100px;
<iframe src="" allow="microphone" title="Agent Name"></iframe>