docker pull fullaxx/biglybt
docker build -t="fullaxx/biglybt"
Input: Drop your torrents/magnets in /srv/docker/biglybt/in/autoload/
-v /srv/docker/biglybt/in:/in
Output: Your downloads will reside in /srv/docker/biglybt/out/complete/
-v /srv/docker/biglybt/out:/out
Configuration: Any .ovpn files must be placed in /srv/docker/biglybt/config/
Also, if biglybt.config is found in /config, it will be copied to $HOME/.biglybt/ and used
-v /srv/docker/biglybt/config:/config
|-- autoload - Drop your torrents/magnets here
`-- torrents - BiglyBT will move torrent files here after autoload input
|-- complete - Downloads will be moved here upon completion
|-- torrents - BiglyBT will move torrent files of finished downloads here
`-- processing - BiglyBT will use this for processing incomplete downloads
Optional: Choose a different version of Java
Default: 11
Optional: Disable the automated quiet install
Default: automatic quiet install
Optional: Set Depth 16
Default: 24
-e VNCDEPTH='16'
Optional: Set 1920x1080 Resolution
Default: 1280x800
-e VNCRES='1920x1080'
Optional: Set Password Authentication
Default: No Authentication
-e VNCPASS='vncpass'
Optional: Set Read-Write and Read-Only password
Default: No Authentication
-e VNCPASS='vncpass' -e VNCPASSRO='readonly'
Optional: Run as a new non-root user
Default: root (UID: 0)
-e VNCUSER='guest' -e VNCUID='1000'
Optional: If you want your non-root user to be part of the users group
Default: same as VNCUSER and VNCUID
Pre-Req: VNCUSER and VNCUID must be set
-e VNCGROUP='users'
Optional: Define a new group for non-root user
Default: same as VNCUSER and VNCUID
Pre-Req: VNCUSER and VNCUID must be set
-e VNCGROUP='guests' -e VNCGID='1001'
Optional: Set a password for the VNCUSER account
Default: none and the account is locked
Pre-Req: VNCUSER and VNCUID must be set
-e ACCTPASS='mysecretpassword'
Optional: Set umask to define permission for new files
Default: 0022
-e VNCUMASK='0002'
Optional: Wait 9 seconds for openvpn to initiate and connect before moving on
Default: 6 seconds
Use the file myconnection.ovpn to connect to an openvpn service
Default behavior is that openvpn will not run
Any .ovpn files must be placed in your openvpn volume (/srv/docker/biglybt/config/)
-e OVPNCFG='myconnection.ovpn'
Set the timezone to be used inside the container
Default: UTC
-e TZ='Asia/Tokyo'
-e TZ='Europe/London'
-e TZ='America/Los_Angeles'
-e TZ='America/Denver'
-e TZ='America/Chicago'
-e TZ='America/New_York'
Increase the size of shared memory to prevent web browsers from crashing
Thanks to jlesage
--shm-size 2g
Examples of how to keep your configuration persistant
-v /srv/docker/biglybt/home/biglybt:/root/.biglybt
-v /srv/docker/biglybt/home/mozilla:/root/.mozilla
Run the image keeping your biglybt configuration
docker run -d \
-v /srv/docker/biglybt/data:/root/.biglybt \
-v /srv/docker/biglybt/in:/in \
-v /srv/docker/biglybt/out:/out \
-p fullaxx/biglybt
Run the image as a non-root user
docker run -d \
-e VNCUSER='guest' -e VNCUID='1000' \
-v /srv/docker/biglybt/data:/home/guest/.biglybt \
-v /srv/docker/biglybt/in:/in \
-v /srv/docker/biglybt/out:/out \
-p fullaxx/biglybt
Run the image as a non-root user with custom group
docker run -d \
-e VNCUSER='guest' -e VNCUID='1000' \
-e VNCGROUP='guests' -e VNCGID='1001' \
-v /srv/docker/biglybt/data:/home/guest/.biglybt \
-v /srv/docker/biglybt/in:/in \
-v /srv/docker/biglybt/out:/out \
-p fullaxx/biglybt
Run the image with OpenVPN
Make sure that your myconnection.ovpn file exists in /srv/docker/biglybt/config/
docker run -d \
--cap-add=NET_ADMIN --device /dev/net/tun \
--sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=0 \
-e OVPNCFG='myconnection.ovpn' \
-e LOGFILE='mylog' \
-v /srv/docker/biglybt/in:/in \
-v /srv/docker/biglybt/out:/out \
-v /srv/docker/biglybt/config:/config \
-p fullaxx/biglybt
Use any standard VNC client to connect directly
For web access, check out noVNC to access your biglybt container with a web browser
When posting issues, please provide the following:
- docker run line used to create the container
- output from docker logs
- screenshot showing the issue if not described in logs
- If OpenVPN related: read and provide contents of /var/log/openvpn/openvpn.log
- If base image related: read