Hi, this is my personal super mario web game project. Everything is animated e interactive. This is a special project school which was assigned to me in order to learn and improve web developing skills such as Javascript algorithms and css stylish. Everythin, except for the assets, has been relized by me with css and html. Nobody tells me how to code a video game such as super mario so I had to come out with something by using my imagination.
You have merely lunch the login.html file in the LOGIN directory by clicking on it.
Than you will have to register and access to the game. Actually points are not storaged on any kind of files because they are just saved in the local storage and even the accounts as well.
In the end choose your level and just play!
By the way, the level 0 and 1 are not native of my project. As matter of fact those levels are fetched from apis created by my web network professor. I just received the name of the element and its posion then I have to display in the game. Only the third one is developed by me.
Have fun!