A simple python script to quickly create adapted versions of texts (plain language, paraphrased, reduced reading level) using OpenAI's API.
- easytext.py is a python script which uses OpenAI's API endpoint to shift the creation of adapted texts (plain language, paraphrased, reduced reading level) from a high impact, high teacher effort strategy to a high impact, low teacher effort strategy.
- Providing adapted texts is an educational practice grounded in the SIOP Model, Krashen's Theories, and UDL. See Educational Rationale section below for more information.
- Input: text file (.txt) with paragraphs separated by blank lines (\n\n)
- Output: markdown file (.md) showing main text displayed side-by-side with paraphrased version and paragraph numbers.
- Note that paragraph numbers are an important text feature for supporting speaking and listening activities.
- Output can be quickly converted to a Google Doc by pasting rendered markdown input a Google Doc.
- Connects to OpenAI's API endpoints (OpenAI API Key required to use)
Providing adapted texts is an educational practice grounded in the SIOP Model, Krashen's Theories, and UDL.
SIOP Model = Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol
What is SIOP?
- A research-based framework for supporting English Learners (ELs).
- Used in California English Language Learner authorization courses, required for a CA clear teaching credential.
- Model suggests that these strategies are beneficial for all students, not just ELs.
- See Making Content Comprehensible for English Leaners
SIOP Model's Emphasis on Providing Adapted Texts
- Providing adapted texts is one of the most impactful strategies (comprehensible input is essential).
- Noted in Making Content Comprehensible for English Leaners as a high impact, high teacher effort strategy.
- High impact, but not time efficient. Creating adapted texts is very time consuming.
- Adapted texts have limited availability through online platforms.
Krashen's Theories of Language Acquisition
- Argues that providing comprehensible input is extremely important for language acquisition.
- Krashen's Acquisition-Learning Hypothesis
- Krashen's Input Hypothes.is
- Exposure to engaging understandable texts in the target language is a more effective way of developing grammar and convention skills, rather than traditional grammar instruction.
UDL = Universal Design for Learning
- Providing adapted texts is related to UDL Checkpoint 8.2, UDL Checkpoint 1.1, and possibly others.
See also US Government's Plain Language Movement and Simple Wikipedia
- Windows
git clone https://github.com/FrozenBurrito/easytext.git
cd easytext
python -m venv .
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Rename template.env to .env
- Create an OpenAI Account and activate API access.
- Add your Organization ID and OpenAI API Key to the .env file
- Create a prompt for paraphrasing in the .env file
- PROMPT = "Create a simplified version of the following paragraphs (5th grade level): "
- This is only an example prompt. Try several different prompts for best results.
Input text file should contain paragraphs separated by '\n\n' (blank line between two paragraphs)
python easytext.py [input text file path]
Rendered version of output markdown (.md) can be pasted directly into Google Docs or converted into PDF, ODT, or .DOCX using pandoc.
J Mo, frozenburrito
- To do list items are noted in the code comments.
- SIOP Model
- Teaching with Comprehensible Input
- Note: Comments reference the exact problem that this script seeks to address.
- How to convert a markdown (.md) file into a Google Doc
- Pandoc: Convert markdown (.md) files to PDF, DOCX, and other formats
- US Government's Plain Language Movement
- Simple Wikipedia
- Project Gutenberg Top 100 EBooks