Small test project to build a SDL2 program with both emscripten and native.
To build native you must have SDL2 and SDL2_image installed.
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
To build with emscripten you need to have emscripten, SDL2 and SDL2_image installed.
mkdir build_js
cd build_js
emcmake cmake -DUSE_EMSCRIPTEN ..
To generate a usable HTML page (this seems to be hacky...)
cd build_js
emcc CMakfeFiles/sdl_test/main.c.o -s USE_SDL=2 -s USE_SDL_IMAGE=2 -o main.html --preload-file ../data
open main.html
(open is a OSX command, just open the main.html file)
You can change the screen color with a mouse click and quit with q or escape.
Sprites by Svetlana Kushnariova (