This is a clean and simple Docker image implementation of FriendOS. By cloning this and the repository below, you should be able to build the required docker images without worrying about dependencies. You need the following additional docker images in order to run this.
- friendos-mysql-docker - run this first
- ... then run this docker image
In order to make everything working, you need to set up a docker network so that all three docker images (friendcore, mysql, file server) can reach each other.
- docker network create friendos-network
Once these images are running, you can find FriendOS in a browser at:
- http://localhost:16502/webclient/index.html
- Log in using;
- username: fadmin
- password: securefassword
Websocket will not be working. In order to fix that, you should set up a basic reverse proxy from port 16500 to 6500.
It's not fun to access a web service on port 16502. You should set up a reverse proxy from port 16502 to 443 (with SSL) or 80 (without SSL), allowing you to access FriendOS simply at https://yourhost/.
An example vhost.conf is located in assets/.
Good luck!
docker-compose up --build
docker exec -it friendos-docker-container bash
docker rmi friendos-docker