The Freedom Voting Machine is an open-source paper trail voting machine system based on an auditable triple counted consensus algorithm, semi-anonymized public paper ledger, blockchain, and AI-assisted ledger verification and fraud detection.
You can find all of our OneDrive folder documents here.
We are in need of volunteers for a wide range of different skill sets from voting machine researchers to organizers, programmers, engineers, cyber-security and more. You can find instructions on how to contribute open-source to this project in the `' documentation, where you can also find instructions on how to join the community chat on our GitHub issue tickets.
Greenfield: As of today, 2022-08-21, there is no code or hardware but we're going to use KiCAD to make the PCBs, ScriptTek to make the the firmware, and Kabuki Toolkit to make the software.
Copyright 2022 Freedom Government; most rights reserved, Third-party commercialization prohibited, mandatory improvement donations, licensed under the Kabuki Strong Source-available License that YOU MUST CONSENT TO at