A novel video compression method which incorporates the non-uniform spatial resolution of the HVS to reduce perceptual redundancy. The proposed method has the following novel features:
- A foveation process based on per-quad image warping is used to preserve image quality of salient regions, achieving non-uniform subsampling based on saliency level.
- The saliency data is incorporated at a lower granularity, providing more precise quality control of salient regions.
- Our method is independent of traditional encoding processes, making it applicable to improve most existing compression methods.
- Install GStreamer
- Install GStreamer Plugins
- Configure Gstreamer plugin lib path
See details here.
├── python/
│ ├── warp.py (helper functions for image warping)
│ ├── gst_warp_transform.py (gst image warp plugin)
│ ├── reverse_warp.py (gst reverse image warp plugin)
│ ├── gst_saliency_info_meta.py (gst gaussian distribution parameter info plugin)
│ └── ... (other files for evaluation)
├── saliency_meta_c (c code for gaussian distribution parameter info plugin)
└── tsnnls (cython code for calling tsnnls in python)
tsnnls is a least square solver by J Cantarella.
rm -rf ~/.cache/gstreamer-1.0
author={Zhang, Shupei and Basu, Anup},
journal={IEEE Access},
title={Visual Saliency Guided Foveated Video Compression},
keywords={Visualization;Video compression;Redundancy;Spatial resolution;Image quality;Image coding;Transforms;Foveation;perceptual redundancy;video compression;visual saliency},