We keep the changes described in this pull request, especially the endless mode. Disabled the order queue, to avoid errors. We report once per second the raw sensor data with MQTT to 'fh/input/#' and everytime it changes the internal state of the controllers to 'fh/state/#'
This project contains the C/C++ library TxtSmartFactoryLib and the main and client programs for the fischertechnik Training Factory Industry 4.0. The library requires at least the TXT firmware version 4.5.1.
The current txt_training_factory version v0.8.0 (Release Notes) requires at least TXT firmware 4.6.6 (Release Notes). See HowTo for more details. An upgrade takes some time and should best be done by an experienced user, because all the data on the TXT controllers will be overwritten.
The factory consists of the following stations:
- SSC: Sensor Station with Camera (Main)
- HBW: High-Bay Warehouse
- VGR: Vacuum Gripper Robot
- DPS: Delivery and Pickup Station
- MPO: Multi-Processing Station with Oven
- SLD: Sorting Line with Color Detection
The default user programs implement the standard demo scenario with the www.fischertechnik-cloud.com. These programs you will find in the bin folder:
- TxtFactoryMain.cloud (local MQTT broker, MQTT bridge, MQTT client for SSC)
- TxtFactoryMPO [Finite State Machine MPO]
- TxtFactoryHBW [Finite State Machine HBW]
- TxtFactoryVGR [Finite State Machine VGR] (main flow control)
- TxtFactorySLD [Finite State Machine SLD]
The programs for the parking position you will find in the bin folder:
- TxtParkPosSSC, TxtParkPosMPO, TxtParkPosHBW, TxtParkPosVGR
The programs can be copied to the TXT controllers using the WEB server.
You can import the git repository as a workspace in eclipse CDT or build the programs with make. Please read the building instructions.
The next picture shows the network overview with the TXT controllers.
The MQTT Interface describes the topics and the payload of the MQTT clients and the configuration of the mosquitto MQTT bridge.
An example for Training Factory Industry 4.0 and Node-RED you can find in Node-RED folder.
The Doxygen documentation of the C/C ++ library classes can be found in the API Reference.