This repository was archived on 07.06.2022 due to inactivity. It will be replaced by an updated/upgraded/alternative version based on svelte/sveltekit, which can be found on the github page
This is a standalone web server that makes the rabe library for Attribute Based Encryption (ABE) usable via a REST API.
Currently, rabe-keyserver only supports the BSW scheme, but further schemes implemented by rabe might be added in the future.
Head over to the Github page for documentation.
Clone this project with subprojects:
git clone --recurse-submodules
Rust is a rapidly evolving ecosystem and future versions might break the build. We thus provide a stable docker environment for building and running rabe-keyserver
based on rust nightly-2018-06-10.
Simply run
docker build . -t rabe-keyserver
and you will end up with an ~70 MB docker images that hosts the rabe-keyserver. Start it with
docker run -ti -P --env ROOT_ADDRESS= \
--env ROCKET_PORT=8000 \
--env ROCKET_ENV=production \
--env DATABASE_URL=mysql://username:password@localhost/rabe \
--restart always \
--name rabe \