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Elden Ring

F.stam edited this page May 5, 2022 · 8 revisions

Elden Ring

Currently Elden Ring is only supported with Easy Anti-Cheat disabled.

Disabling EAC

To disable Easy Anti-Cheat, navigate to "Steam\steamapps\common\ELDEN RING\Game" and create a new text file called "steam_appid.txt" without quotes, and set it's contents to "1245620" without quotes. Launching the game from "Steam\steamapps\common\ELDEN RING\Game\eldenring.exe" will run elden ring without EAC, launching the game from steam will have EAC enabled. Disabling EAC will also disable online play.


You can split automatically after killing bosses or lighting graces. Additionally, you can automatically split on any event flag. Event flags are how the game internally keeps track of some progress you make (bosses and graces are actually event flags as well). You can, for instance, enter item pickup flags.