Esoteric programming language with a text in Latin as the code.
The first line of Linguarcana code shall start with de followed by the program's name or short desctription as the header. Here the example file's header:
De Primo Exemplo
The rest of the code is divided in sections each starting with Mense followed by the name of the month. The order in which the sections are compiled isn't determined by their order, but by the months' order.
To move the pointer forward use Incedo I miliario (or more using miliariis) and same with Retrocedo to move it backwards.
To increase the cell use Incedo I legione ( or more using legionibus) and same with Retrocedo to decrease it.
Use Memento mori to stop the program; Gallia est omnis divisa in partes I to divide the cell by a number; Hic est to copy the cell into a variable and store it; illo numero to reference anything stored in the variable; Verba volant, scripta manent to convert the current cell to a character; Non loqui sed facere to convert it back to a number.
Numbers are (obviously) expressed with roman numerals.