- NO additional hardware needed.
- processes audio from i.e. 44.1ksps WAV files on SD card
- full integration into Audio Library
- further processing @352.8 ksps sample rate
- Pre-emphasis filter implemented
- interpolation-by-8 implemented in order to be able to accurately produce the MPX-signal
- Stereo processing implemented
Teensy 4.0 or 4.1 only
TeensyFMTransmitter is an experimental program, designed only for experimentation. It is in no way intended to become a personal media center or a tool to operate a radio station, or even broadcast sound to one's own stereo system.
In most countries, transmitting radio waves without a state-issued licence specific to the transmission modalities (frequency, power, bandwidth, etc.) is illegal.
Therefore, always connect a shielded transmission line from the Teensy directly to a radio receiver, so as not to emit radio waves. Never use an antenna.
Even if you are a licensed amateur radio operator, using TeensyFMTransmitter to transmit radio waves on ham frequencies without any filtering between the Teensy and an antenna is most probably illegal because the square-wave carrier is very rich in harmonics, so the bandwidth requirements are likely not met.
I could not be held liable for any misuse of your own Teensy. Any experiment is made under your own responsibility.