The entire source code for this program is inside ping.c
Note: This C application was built on a Linux machine running x86_64 Ubuntu 18.04.1. Some of the libraries used in this application might not port over to MacOS.
To compile and run do:
gcc ping.c -o ping
sudo ./ping [-ev] [-i interval] [-t TTL] [-W timeout] destination
-e exit on timeout
This flag can be used if you with for the ping program to stop if one packet has timed out.
-i interval
Wait interval seconds between sending each packet. The default is to wait 1 second. Interval must be a
number greater than 0. You may pass in a number like 0.4 to set the interval to 0.4 seconds.
-t TTL
The time to live of the packet. Default value is set to 64. Value must be in range of [0, 255].
-W timeout
Time to wait for a response in seconds.
-v verbose output
destination Hostname or IPv4 address (e.g