Final Project for Computer Science Module: COMP1011 Introduction to Programming
VERSION: Final submitted version
DATE: 03/05/2016
AUTHOR: Francis Gurr
MARK: 97%
To simply play the game a .jar and .bat file can be found in HEX-Game/jar.
- A Strategy game played on a board of any size
- Two players: red and blue
- Idea is to make a link between your two sides
- Independently invented by Piet Hein (1942) and John Nash (1947)
- A game can only ever be won, there are no draws or ties
- It has been mathematically proven that there is a winning strategy, but it is not know what it is
- It can be played on a board of any size n*m, but is only fair when n=m
A screenshot of my Hex Game:
Produce a Hex game
- Allow human player to play human player
- Allow human player to play computer player
- Allow computer player to play computer player
The following is the feedback I received for the assignment. I hope to improve the game further once I get the time. This includes removing all command line inputs to provide full GUI functionality. The raw original feedback I recieved is available here.
qwnz51 (Francis Gurr)
Feedback Section | Feedback Description | Maximum Mark Available | Achieved Maximum? Y/N | Personal Score |
Part 1 | Board Class | |||
Part 1.1a | Does the Board Class compile? | 3 | Y | 3 |
Part 1.1b | Trying to view a board before it is created gives NoBoardDefinedException | 0.5 | Y | 0.5 |
Part 1.2a | Trying make move before board is created gives NoBoardDefinedException | 0.5 | Y | 0.5 |
Part 1.2b | Trying for winner before board is created gives NoBoardDefinedException | 0.5 | Y | 0.5 |
Part 1.2c | Create board of size 1x1 works correctly | 1 | Y | 1 |
Part 1.2d | Trying to resize a board gives BoardAlreadySizedException | 0.5 | Y | 0.5 |
Part 1.2e | Trying to create a board of invalid size gives InvalidBoardSizeException | 0.5 | Y | 0.5 |
Part 1.2f | Placing a piece at an invalid location causes an InvalidPositionException | 0.5 | Y | 0.5 |
Part 1.3 | ||||
Part 1.4a | Board can be constructed at any size | 3 | Y | 3 |
Part 1.4b | Board is the correct orientation | 5 | Y | 5 |
Part 1.5a | Pieces are placed in the correct locations on the board | 2 | Y | 2 |
Part 1.5b | Is the board stored in the Board class protected from changes | 1 | Y | 1 |
Part 1.5c | Placing a piece where a piece already exists causes a PositionAlreadyTakenException | 1 | Y | 1 |
Part 1.5d | Placing two pieces consecutively of the same colour causes a InvalidColourException | 1 | N | 0 |
Part 2 | GameManager Class | |||
Part 2.1 | Does the GameManager Class compile? | 3 | Y | 3 |
Part 2.2a | Calling playGame before anything else causes return of false Comment: uncaught exception : java.lang.NullPointerException | 1 | N | 0 |
Part 2.2b | Specifying Piece.UNSET causes specifyPlayer to throw InvalidColourException | 0.25 | Y | 0.25 |
Part 2.2c | Trying to set two players to be BLUE will throw ColourAlreadySetException | 0.25 | Y | 0.25 |
Part 2.2d | Specifying an illegal board size will throw an InvalidBoardSizeException | 0.25 | Y | 0.25 |
Part 2.2e | Trying to re-set the size of a game will throw a BoardAlreadySizedException | 0.25 | Y | 0.25 |
Part 2.3a | Correct moves made by RED | 2.5 | Y | 2.5 |
Part 2.3b | Red player got end game state | 1.5 | Y | 1.5 |
Part 2.3c | Correct moves made by BLUE | 2.5 | Y | 2.5 |
Part 2.3d | Blue player got end game state | 1.5 | Y | 1.5 |
Part 2.4 | Prevent player from cheating | 5 | Y | 5 |
Part 2.5 | Player can concede | 2 | Y | 2 |
Part 3 | Human Player | |||
Part 3.1a | Board is displayed | 2 | Y | 2 |
Part 3.1b | Board is correctly orientated | 2 | Y | 2 |
Part 3.1c | Board is tilted correctly | 2 | Y | 2 |
Part 3.1d | Symbols are easy to interpret | 2 | Y | 2 |
Part 3.1e | It is obvious which way the player should be constructing their line | 2 | Y | 2 |
Part 3.2a | User is informed how to make a move 3 | Y | 3 | |
Part 3.2b | Interface allows move to be entered | 2 | Y | 2 |
Part 3.2c | The format for entering a move is simple and clear Comment: Having to select concede each move is convoluted | 2 | N | 1 |
Part 3.3 | Player is informed which colour they are | 3 | Y | 3 |
Part 4 | Testing for who has won | |||
Part 4.1 | Board can detect a win on a 1x1 board | 6 | Y | 6 |
Part 4.2 | Board can detect a win on a 5x5 board | 6 | Y | 6 |
Part 4.3 | Board can detect a win on a complex 5x5 board | 8 | Y | 8 |
Part 5 | Computer Player | |||
Part 5.1 | Working Computer player | 10 | Y | 10 |
Part 5.2a | Entered to competition | --- | Y | --- |
Part 5.2b | Position Score | 10 | 3 | 10 |
Total | 100 | N | 97 |