Modern version of PocketMine forms API, ported to PHP 8.1+ with high quality code and PHPStan integration.
Unlike other libraries, this one was created based on real problems in plugins. Therefore, you can see here rich API for solving wide variety of problems.
You can check out the demo plugin which shows how to use its API in plugin.
This library can be loaded as plugin phar. You can use
the depend
key in plugin.yml
require its presence.
- forms
This library supports being included as virion.
If you use Poggit to build your plugin, you can add it to your .poggit.yml
like so:
- src: Frago9876543210/forms/libforms
version: ^1.0.0
$player->sendForm(new ModalForm("A small question", "Is our server cool?",
//result of pressing the "yes" / "no" button is written to variable $choice
function(Player $player, bool $choice) : void{
$player->sendMessage($choice ? "Thank you" : "We will try to become better");
$player->sendForm(ModalForm::confirm("Teleport request", "Do you want to accept it?",
//called only when the player selects the "yes" button
function(Player $player) : void{
If you are having trouble loading images, try installing
$player->sendForm(new MenuForm("Select server", "Choose server", [
//buttons without icon
new Button("SkyWars #1"),
new Button("SkyWars #2"),
//URL and path are supported for image
new Button("SkyWars #3", Image::url("")),
new Button("SkyWars #4", Image::path("textures/items/apple.png")),
], function(Player $player, Button $selected) : void{
$player->sendMessage("You selected: " . $selected->text);
$player->sendMessage("Index of button: " . $selected->getValue());
Creating MenuForm from array of strings (i.e. from string[]
) with modern syntax of matching button clicks
//MenuForm::withOptions is useful when you have string[]
//syntax TIP: fn() added since PHP 7.4, match since PHP 8.0
$player->sendForm(MenuForm::withOptions("Select option", "List of options:", [
"opt1", "opt2", "opt3",
"default branch #1",
"default branch #2",
], fn(Player $player, Button $selected) => match($selected->getValue()){
0 => $player->sendMessage("message #1"), //opt1
1 => $player->sendMessage("message #2"), //opt2
2 => $player->sendMessage("message #3"), //opt3
default => $player->sendMessage("You selected: " . $selected->text),
//appending form data if Player has enough permissions
$form = MenuForm::withOptions("Player info", "Username: " . $player->getName(), [
"view statistics", //accessible for all
], fn(Player $player, Button $selected) => match($selected->getValue()){
0 => $player->sendMessage("*statistics*"),
1 => $player->kick("kick message"),
2 => $player->sendMessage("*logs*"),
default => throw new \AssertionError("unreachable code"), //shut PHPStan
$isOp = $player->hasPermission(DefaultPermissions::ROOT_OPERATOR); //since PM 4.0
if($isOp){ //accessible for ops
$form->appendOptions("kick player", "view logs");
$player->sendForm(new CustomForm("Enter data", [
new Dropdown("Select product", ["beer", "cheese", "cola"]),
new Input("Enter your name", "Bob"),
new Label("I am label!"), //Note: get<BaseElement>() does not work with label
new Slider("Select count", 0.0, 100.0, 1.0, 50.0),
new StepSlider("Select product", ["beer", "cheese", "cola"]),
new Toggle("Creative", $player->isCreative()),
], function(Player $player, CustomFormResponse $response) : void{
$dropdown = $response->getDropdown();
$player->sendMessage("You selected: " . $dropdown->getSelectedOption());
$input = $response->getInput();
$player->sendMessage("Your name is " . $input->getValue());
$slider = $response->getSlider();
$player->sendMessage("Count: " . $slider->getValue());
//Note: `$slider->getValue()` can be of type `int|float`, so use type casting
$stepSlider = $response->getStepSlider();
$player->sendMessage("You selected: " . $stepSlider->getSelectedOption());
$toggle = $response->getToggle();
$player->setGamemode($toggle->getValue() ? GameMode::CREATIVE : GameMode::SURVIVAL);
$player->sendForm(new CustomForm("Enter data", [
new Dropdown("Select product", ["beer", "cheese", "cola"]),
new Input("Enter your name", "Bob"),
new Label("I am label!"), //Note: get<BaseElement>() does not work with label
new Slider("Select count", 0.0, 100.0, 1.0, 50.0),
new StepSlider("Select product", ["beer", "cheese", "cola"]),
new Toggle("Creative", $player->isCreative()),
], function(Player $player, CustomFormResponse $response) : void{
* type-hints for PHPStan
* @var string $product1
* @var string $username
* @var int|float $count
* @var string $product2
* @var bool $enableCreative
[$product1, $username, $count, $product2, $enableCreative] = $response->getValues();
//Note: `$count` can be of type `int|float`, so use type casting
$player->sendMessage("You selected: $product1");
$player->sendMessage("Your name is $username");
$player->sendMessage("Count: $count");
$player->sendMessage("You selected: $product2");
$player->setGamemode($enableCreative ? GameMode::CREATIVE : GameMode::SURVIVAL);