FrDae Factorio QuickFix
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- se-space-trains Public Forked from Fragjacker/se-space-trains
The repository for my Space Train mod for Space Exloration and Krastorio 2
- electric-trains Public Forked from nerfkidjcb/electric-trains
The repository for the Electric Trains Factorio mod
- Moshine Public Forked from snouz/Moshine
A very hot desert planet with almost no magnetic field (propice to precise computations). Rich in metals (neodymium, silicon...). The Fulgorans deployed some scientific outposts here that you can harvest to establish a dataset.
- Moshine-assets Public Forked from snouz/Moshine-assets
Only the assets and generation for the actual planet Moshine (without custom buildings etc.)
- planet-muluna Public Forked from nicholasgower/planet-muluna
[In early development, expect frequent game-breaking updates] Explore Nauvis' moon of Muluna, and take your first step into space. Revamps the Space Science pack to be crafted on Muluna. The surface is devoid of life, but who knows what lurks in the planet's many craters?