A small tool that shows some basic hardware specs of your Apple II.
Any Apple II with at least 48kB of RAM and no CPU acceleration.
Boot on the floppy disk.
Kessessay will display:
On II/II+:
- The Apple II model
- The CPU version: 6502 or 65C02
On IIe/IIc:
- The Apple II model
- The CPU version: 6502 or 65C02
- The system video frequency: 50Hz (PAL) or 60Hz (NTSC)
- Slots where a Mockingboard is detected (X if none found)
On IIgs:
- The Apple II model
You need the following tools:
- acme cross-compiler
- make (the GNU tool)
https://sourceforge.net/projects/acme-crossass/ Add acme's path to the environment PATH variable.
On Linux, install the package that contains GNU make.
On Windows, the fastest way to install make is first to install the chocolatey package manager:
Then open a shell as administrator and type:
choco install make
Please change the needed paths in the makefile.
Then go to the root folder of the project in a shell and type:
You will get a DSK file that works on any Apple II or Apple II emulator.