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Release v1.11.0

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@github-actions github-actions released this 07 Feb 08:30
· 25 commits to master since this release

Starting from v1.11.0, Item Macro changes how it's supporting DnD 5e (3.0.0+).

Here is the breakdown of the changes:


  • Changed item.executeMacro() method to be async
  • Updated how Item Macro is built and called to allow retrieving its value


  • Switched DnD 5e's support to dnd5e.preUseItem Hook
    • Because of that, there no longer is distinction between using item from sheet, macro or any other way
    • Because of that, using plain item.use() in Item Macro is now disabled as it can lead to uncontrolled infinite loops
    • Since good practice dictates that all 3rd party modules, including custom sheets, should make use of item.use(), this means that all of them should now be supported by default
  • Character Sheet Hook and Right Click Override settings for dnd5e are now removed in favor of single Override default macro execution
  • Item Macros that you wish to still execute "standard" item.use() must now do it in one of two ways:
    • Return true from macro, or
    • Call item.use({}, {skipItemMacro: true}) instead (passing skipItemMacro = true in options argument)

Item Macro v1.11.0 onwards will not work with DnD 5e 2.4.
If you do not use the newest version of the DnD 5e system, please do not update Item Macro and/or install v1.10.5 instead using this manifest link.