👋 I am Martin from France, Epitech 2024 graduate, I also studied at Feng Chia University (逢甲大學) for a year. I have strong interests for Artificial Intelligence and Embedded software.
- SoundGan : A pipeline for Training a GAN (Generative Adversarial Network) to generate sounds.
- ReinforcementLearningGym : A solution to some of openAI gym's problems using Reinforcement Learning, an agent has to learn by itself to learn the reward and action to perform in a game.
- monocularSlam : Implementation of Simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) using a monocular camera feed, this allow 3d world reconstruction based off a car dashcam video.
- AudioClassificationPyTorch : A Deep Learning based audio classifier made with PyTorch.
- Circuit Simulator : An electronic circuit simulator build in C++.
- Reddittech : Implementation of Reddit-like mobile app in react native.
Feel free to contact me at this email adress : martin.legrand@epitech.eu