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Quest Details

Forien edited this page Jun 19, 2020 · 4 revisions

Accessing details

Quest Details page is accessed by simply clicking on Title of quest in Quest Log. Alternatively, you could set up a macro.

Editing Quest

As a GM you can edit all parts of quests.

  1. To change Actor set as Quest Giver, drag&drop new one.
  2. To edit Description or GM Notes, click little "Edit" icon that shows in top-right corner of text.
  3. To edit Task, click on it's text.
  4. To edit an Abstract reward, click on it's text.
  5. To add a new Task or Reward, click "add new" buttons above list.
  6. To change Abstract reward's image, click on it and select new image from File Picker.
  7. To delete any Task or Reward, click on ✘ icon on the right of unwanted entry.

Linking entities

In Description, GM Notes and Tasks you can link other entities. Simply follow same rules that apply to linking entities anywhere else. Remember that you need to provide exact name or ID of entity you wish to link. Few examples:

@Actor[Lord Dreg]

@Item[Silver Amulet]


@Item[k5ctGMPOV3x4V2WF]{Crown of Kings}
@Actor[OrXpRUXpAN06t50O]{Mysterious Man}
@Actor[Vash]{Nameless Knight}

Personal Quests

As a Game Master, you have Quest Management tab available. At this moment there is only one thing you can manage there, and that is Personal Quests.

  • If Personal Quest checkbox is on, then you can check which players you want to see the quest. Only them and Game Masters will see the quest.
  • If Personal Quest checkbox is toggled off, then quest is made public again, but to prevent accidental leak of information, it's moved to the Hidden tab.

As a GM you can on Quest Log quickly see if a Quest is Personal, if it has little person icon:

Once Quest is marked as Personal, it follows standard rules of states and visibility for assigned players.