Setup an HTTPS enabled gitlab server in a docker container.
For information about PTA and how to use it with this Ansible role please visit
If you have utilized the backup-local role to make backups, follow these steps to recover from backups of the data...
For the sake of this example, let's assume...
- Your docker data (var: docker_gitlab_root_data_dir) is located
. - You backups (var: backup_local_destination) are all located
- Your docker data (var: docker_gitlab_root_data_dir) is located
Run ansible to setup the application for you. As long as ansible completes, you're good to proceed.
Stop the running docker container.
docker container stop gitlab
Delete the docker container. This is to ensure the volumes are released.
docker container rm gitlab
Delete the docker data.
sudo rm -rf /home/service/data/gitlab/config sudo rm -rf /home/service/data/gitlab/data
Extract the backups.
sudo tar -C / -xvf /home/service/data/backups/gitlab_config_DATETIME.tar sudo tar -C / -xvf /home/service/data/backups/gitlab_data_DATETIME.tar
Run ansible to start the application.
Run the role docker-host on the host. The following files are required to be present. Ensure they're vaulted before committing them to source control.
- files/<docker_gitlab_dns>.key
- files/<docker_gitlab_dns>.pem
- docker_gitlab_version: The version of Gitlab to use.
- docker_gitlab_display_name: The name to be displayed in emails (EX: SLC Gitlab).
- docker_gitlab_dns: The DNS name of the intended Gitlab instance.
- docker_gitlab_omnibus_config: The omnibus config to load Gitlab with.
See the following links for further help.
- Microsoft Exchange
- For HTTPS handling in association with the reverse proxy. Users connect to the reverse proxy using HTTPS. The reverse proxy connects to GitLab using HTTP.
- docker_gitlab_root_data_dir: The directory to store the data in relevant to running the docker containers.
- docker_gitlab_certs_to_trust: A list of certificates to copy into Gitlab's trust certs directory and whether they are remote or not. Useful if you're using a private CA for Gitlab's web certificates. Also useful if Gitlab needs to interact with other applications who's certificates don't validate with the already loaded public CAs. For example, if an intermediate certificate is needed for communication with your JIRA server.
- hosts: servers
docker_gitlab_version: 12.10.1
docker_gitlab_display_name: "COMPANY Gitlab"
docker_gitlab_ldap_password: 'encrypted string of ansible vaulted password'
docker_gitlab_omnibus_config: |
external_url 'https://{{ docker_gitlab_dns }}'
nginx['redirect_http_to_https'] = true
nginx['ssl_certificate'] = '/etc/gitlab/ssl/{{ docker_gitlab_dns }}.pem'
nginx['ssl_certificate_key'] = '/etc/gitlab/ssl/{{ docker_gitlab_dns }}.key'
gitlab_rails['backup_path'] = '/var/opt/gitlab/backups'
gitlab_rails['smtp_enable'] = true
gitlab_rails['smtp_address'] = ""
gitlab_rails['smtp_port'] = 25
gitlab_rails['smtp_domain'] = ""
gitlab_rails['smtp_authentication'] = false
gitlab_rails['smtp_enable_starttls_auto'] = false
gitlab_rails['ldap_enabled'] = true
gitlab_rails['ldap_servers'] = YAML.load <<-'EOS'
label: 'FDO'
host: ''
port: 636
uid: 'sAMAccountName'
bind_dn: 'CN=service-gitlab-user,OU=Service Accounts,OU=_Users,DC=COMPANY,DC=COM'
password: '{{ docker_gitlab_ldap_password }}'
encryption: 'start_tls' # "start_tls" or "simple_tls" or "plain"
verify_certificates: true
ca_file: '/etc/gitlab/trusted-certs/private_ca.pem'
active_directory: true
allow_username_or_email_login: false
block_auto_created_users: false
base: 'OU=_Users,DC=COMPANY,DC=COM'
# You baked your private CA certificate into the base image, use remote_src yes.
- { path: '/etc/pki/ca-trust/custom/private_ca.pem', remote_src: yes }
# The JIRA intermediate cert is only needed for Gitlab.
# May make more sense to get it from the playbook than to bake it into the base image. Use remote_src no.
- { path: 'files/jira_intermediate_ca.pem', remote_src: no }
- role: docker-gitlab
Jeremy Cornett