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Parallelism and acceleration in recommendation Systems (Collaborative Filtering)

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Parallelized Collaborative filtering with CUDA


Parallelism and Acceleration in Recommendation Systems


In the era of big data, recommendation system is widely utilized in from commercial e-shops to social networks, product review sites other SaaS applications. Many websites collect user profiles to provide some valuable information through personalized recommendation.

Collaborative filtering (CF) is a very common technique used in recommender systems. The key idea of collaborative filtering is to recommend items based on similarity measures between users or items. For instance, the items recommended to a user are those preferred by similar users. The technique is widely used due to its properties that (1) a single algorithm works on any kind of item and (2) it can handle the complexity of users’ preference.

Due to the increasing scale of data in these applications is constantly increasing, in some practices, the computational time of collaborative filtering algorithm may be unsatisfying. Different approaches have been proposed to deal with the problem of scalability of recommender systems’ algorithms. This project focus on implementation of parallelism approaches with CUDA and compare the computational time with the sequential approach.



Dataset Movie (M) User (U) Ratings (N)
tiny (for debug) 5 5
100k 943 1682
small 610 9725
1m 6040 3706


The goal is to predict the rating of unrated items for every user. Then, items with high predicted rating can be recommended to each user.

There are two approaches to implement Collaborative Filtering: (1) by user-user similarity and (2) by item-item similarity, both have been implemented in this project. Here we use item-item similarity for demonstration since the algorithms is totally same.

  1. Data structure

    • M = no of items, U = no of users, N = no of ratings
    • Rating = <user id OR item id, value>
      struct Rating {
          int id;
          double value;
    • Rating ratings[N] – sort by item and divided to M items
    • int count[M] (no of ratings for each movie)
    • double magnitudes[M]
    • double similarities[M*M]
    • double predictions[M*N] (output)
  2. Input processing mapUser():

    • Read each (user, item, rating) input
    • Group ratings to (item, (user, ratings)) pairs by insert the ratings into self-sorted multimap (from STL)
    • Hence, the ratings is now sorted by items
      multimap<int, Rating> ratingsMap;
      readInput(filename, 0, ratingsMap);
    • Time complexity: $O(NlogN)$

    Parallelization: Not implemented is this step.

  3. Data standardization + Calculate rating magnitude of each item

    magnitude = ||r|| for each movie is calculated by the following equation:

    $$| r_{x}||=\sqrt{\sum_{i \in N} x_{i}^{2}}$$

    calculateMagnitude(): For each item

    • Calculate the mean of each item (we can treat missing data as 0, by doing this, the missing data will not have effect on items’ similarities)
    • For each user-item rating,
      • Substract the rating by its mean
      • Add the square of rating to the sum
    • magnitude[m] = square root of the sum
    • Time complexity: $O(N)$


    • Since the calculation of each item is independent, it can be parallelized to calculateMagnitude<<<M, 1>>>()
    • Each thread performs independent calculation on each item
    • Time complexity for each thread: user that rate the item = O(U)
  4. Calculate item-item similarity

    There are several similarity metrics can be used. In this implementation, cosine similarity is used as the similarity measure.

    $$\operatorname{sim}(x, y) = \cos(r_x, r_y) = \frac{r_x \cdot r_y}{||r_{x}|| \cdot||r_{y}||}$$

    calculateSimilarity(): For each item-item pair (m1,m2)

    • mag_prod = magnitude[m1] * magnitude[m2]
    • For each user u that has rated m1 and m2dot_prod += rating[u,m1] * rating[u,m2]
    • similarities[m1,m2] = dot_prod / mag_prod;
    • Time complexity: $O(M^2U)$


    • Since the calculation of each item with all another item is independent, it can be parallelized to calculateSimilarities<<<M, 1>>>()
    • Each thread performs independent calculation on each item, iterate through all other item
    • Why not <<<M*M, 1>>>? Data locality of one item is preserved in each thread
    • Time complexity for each thread: $O(MU)$
  5. Regroup the ratings by users


    • Read each (user, item, rating) input
    • Group ratings to (user, (item, ratings)) pairs by insert the ratings into self-sorted multimap (from STL)
    • Hence, the ratings is now sorted by users
      multimap<intRating> ratingsMap;
      Time complexity: O(NlogN)

    Parallelization: Not implemented is this step.

  6. Predict rating for each user-item

    The rating rxi of user x to item i is predicted based on the similarities between the item and other items those have been rated by the user:

    $$r_{x i}=\frac{\sum_{j \in N(i ; x)} S_{i j} \cdot r_{x j}}{\sum_{j \in N(i ; x)} S_{i j}} $$

    predictRatings(): For each user-item pair (u,m1)

    • For each item that has been rated by the user (u,m2)
      • sum_rating += similarities[m1,m2] * rating[u, m2]
      • sum_sim += similarities[m1,m2]
    • predict rating[u, m1] = sum_rating / sum_sim
    • Time complexity: $O(UM^2)$


    • Since the calculation of each user with all another item is independent, it can be parallelized to predictRatings<<<U, 1>>>()
    • Each thread performs independent calculation on each user, iterate through all other item
    • Why not <<<U*M, 1>>>? Data locality of one user is preserved in each thread
    • Time complexity for each thread: $O(M^2)$


  1. Optimizing pairwise operation

    The time elapsed is mainly determined by calculateSimilarity() function, which is very time-consuming. It consists of pairwise operations of M*M.

    • Method 1:

      for (int i = index; i < M; i+=stride )
      	for (int j = 0; j < M; j++)
      		// job with constant length

      Problem: Half of the calculation is duplicated

    • Method 2:

      for (int i = index; i < M; i+=stride )
      	for (int j = i+1; j < M; j++)
      		// job with constant length

      Problem: total time is determined by the last completed job

    • Method 3 (Currently used):

      for (int i = index; i < N; i+=stride )
      	for (int i = index; i < N; i+=stride )
      		if ((i + j) % 2 && i < j) || (i + j) % 2 == 0 && i > j))

      Workload of each thread is now j/2

  2. Optimizing data structure

    Method 1:

    • Data structure: use separate array for count, user id, rating, magnitudes, similarities

      int movieList[M]; int userCount[M]; int userId[N];
      double u_ratings[N]; magnitudes[M];
    • Result: time elapsed (ms)

      dataset algorithm Sequential Parallel 1 <32,32>
      4x5 item 0.008 0.24
      user 0.008 0.34
      610x9125 item 2605.565 7343.519 / 2323.9
      user 116.78 769.604  /  421.8
      943x1682 item 728.141 7343.519 / 989.608
      user 567.318 4557.879 / 3373.767
      6040x3264 item 4421.31 47038.702 / 23848.671
      user 8090.46 1365.302 / 711.995

      Parallel 1 <32,32>: before optimizing pairwise operation / after optimizing pairwise operation

    • Experimented with other combinations <<< blockPerGrid * threadPerBlock>>>, but still slower than sequential code

    Method 2:

    • Try to group the data for each item and user into profiles

      struct Rating {
          int id;
          double value;
      struct Profile1 {
          int count;
          double magnitude;
          Rating* ratings;
      struct Profile2 {
          int count;
          Rating* ratings;
    • Dynamically allocate memory for each item / user during mapMovie() / mapUser()

      For each item:

      int cnt = m_u_ratings.count(it->first);
      cudaMallocManaged(&mData[m], sizeof(T) + sizeof(Rating) * cnt);
      mData[m]->count = cnt;
      mData[m]->ratings = (Rating*) mData[m] + sizeof(mData);
      movieList[m] = it->first;
    • Result: time elapsed (ms)

      dataset mode Sequential Parallel 2 <M,1>
      4x5 item 0.01 0.876
      user 0.012 0.88
      610x9125 item 2510.706 523.93
      user Segmentation fault 285.996
      943x1682 item 467.644 150.769
      user 308.696 155.981
      6040x3264 item 9283.719 Segmentation fault
      user 17495.76 Segmentation fault
    • Generally faster than the sequential code

    • Problem 1: Presence of pointer Ratings* makes things complicated and hard to debug, I don’t recommend anyone doing like this

    • Problem 2: Undergoes segmentation fault due to failure of cudaMalloc() / cudaMallocManaged(), even there are enough memory in GPU. I can’t fix that.

    Method 3 (Currently used):

    • Back to method 1, but group id and rating value together as Rating

      struct Rating {
          int id;
          double value;
    • No more passing pointer, yay!

    • If a value in array is repeatedly used, use a register in kernel to store it

      For example,

      sim = similarities[m*M + ratings[n].id]
    • Result: time elapsed (ms)

      dataset mode Sequential Parallel 2 <M,1> Parallel 3 <M,1>
      4x5 item 0.01 0.876 0.619
      user 0.012 0.88 0.61
      610x9125 item 2510.706 523.93 384.981
      user Segmentation fault 285.996 101.199
      943x1682 item 467.644 150.769 86.457
      user 308.696 155.981 75.279
      6040x3264 item 9283.719 Segmentation fault 2675.681
      user 17495.76 Segmentation fault 4003.035
      • Obvious improvement in speed
      • No more segmentation fault
  3. Experiment on other <<<blockPerGrid * threadPerBlock>>> combination


    • <<<M, 1>>> for item-based and <<<U, 1>>> for user-based achieve the best result
    • Only in some cases, <<<M/8, 8>>> or <<<U/8, 8>>> perform better
      dataset mode Parallel 2 <M,1> Parallel 2 <M/8,8>
      943x1682 item 384.981 362.527
      6040x3264 user 4003.035 3435.059
    • More threadPerBlock may result in segmentation fault


  1. Input files

    • There are 4 datasets placed under input/
      • input/ratings_tiny.dat
      • input/ratings_100k.dat
      • input/ratings_small.dat
      • input/ratings_1m.dat
    • Input format Movielens dataset is modified to meet the following input format:
      • First line: U M N (specifying no. of users, no. of movies, no. of ratings)
      • Following by N lines of: user_id movie_id rating
      • U, M, N are integers. user_id, movie_id are integers start from 1, where as ratings is between 1.0~5.0.
  2. Compilation and Execution

    • Evaluating performance (This will print time elapsed in each stage and GPU memory used)

      make eval && srun -p ipc21 --gres=gpu:1 -N 1 ./eval input/*[dataset] [mode] [threadNo]*

      For example,

      make eval && srun -p ipc21 --gres=gpu:1 -N 1 ./eval input/ratings_1m.dat user 8
    • Print predict ratings (Output file will contain U*M-N lines of user_id movie_id rating)

      make predict && srun -p ipc21 --gres=gpu:1 -N 1 ./predict input/*[dataset] [mode] [threadNo]*  > *[Outputfile]*

      For example,

      make predict && srun -p ipc21 --gres=gpu:1 -N 1 ./predict input/ratings_1m.dat user 8 > Output.txt
    • Evaluating performance of method 2

      make v2 && srun -p ipc21 --gres=gpu:1 -N 1 ./v2 input/[dataset] [mode]
    • Evaluating performance of sequential code

      make seq && ./seq input/[dataset] [mode]

Appendix: Time elapsed in each stage

Dataset algorithm Input Processing Calculate Magnitude Calculate Similarites Predict Ratings Total
4x5 item 0.129 0.003 0.004 0.003 0.01
user 0.075 0.003 0.006 0.003 0.012
943x1682 item 90.959 0.269 465.615 1.76 467.644
user 82.573 0.263 308.433 0.016 308.696
610x9125 item 83.326 0.428 2507.027 3.251 2510.706
user 87.705 0.252 147.057 Seg. fault Seg. fault
6040x3264 item 931.874 2.649 9255.989 25.081 9283.719
user 782.601 2.7322 17493.03 0.005 17495.76

Parallel 2 <M,1>

Dataset algorithm Input Processing Calculate Magnitude Calculate Similarites Predict Ratings Total
4x5 item 0.298 0.34 0.028 0.508 0.876
user 0.214 0.299 0.036 0.545 0.88
943x1682 item 57.347 1.538 99.15 50.081 150.769
user 48.434 1.522 90.162 64.297 155.981
610x9125 item 113.392 3.054 462.547 58.329 523.93
user 48.088 3.343 113.224 169.429 285.996
6040x3264 item Segmentation fault Segmentation fault Segmentation fault Segmentation fault Segmentation fault
user Segmentation fault Segmentation fault Segmentation fault Segmentation fault Segmentation fault

Parallel 3 <M,1>

Dataset mode Input Processing Calculate Magnitude Calculate Similarites Predict Ratings Total
4x5 item 72.93 0.279 0.027 0.313 0.619
user 82.56 0.27 0.037 0.303 0.61
943x1682 item 116.509 0.917 83.855 1.685 86.457
user 128.393 0.853 73.501 0.925 75.279
610x9125 item 126.718 1.076 379.831 4.074 384.981
user 140.972 1.021 99.201 0.977 101.199
6040x3264 item 762.175 5.902 2655.184 14.595 2675.681
user 545.094 6.094 3990.43 6.511 4003.035


Parallelism and acceleration in recommendation Systems (Collaborative Filtering)







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