This Project provides to create posts and comments for existing blogs, authors and commentators
This is an API for network of blogs, where different blogs can be created, authors can share different posts on related blogs and commentators can comment on posts.
The application has 5 apis:
- BlogAPI
- AuthorAPI
- PostAPI
- CommentatorAPI
- CommentAPI
POST /v1/blog = creates a new blog
GET /v1/blog/{blogId} = retrieves all blogs
GET /v1/blog/{blogId} = retrieves the blog with given id
PUT /v1/blog/{blogId} = updates the blog with given id
DELETE /v1/blog/{blogId} = drops the given blog
These 5 end points above are available as well for the other APIs with same manner.
POST /v1/author/{authorId}
POST /v1/post/{postId}
POST /v1/commentator/{commentatorId}
POST /v1/comment/{commentId}
JUnit test coverage is 100% as well as integration test are available
- Java 11
- Spring Boot 2.5.5
- Spring Data JPA
- Kotlin 1.5.31
- H2 in memory database
- JUnit 5
- PostgreSQL 13.0
- Flyway 8.0.0
- Maven
- PostgreSQL
$ cd FolksDev_Blog/blog-api
$ mvn clean install
$ mvn spring-boot:run