mvn clean install
This plugin allows players to customize almost every aspect of mobs, and set rates for how often they spawn in. This is meant to be a simple plugin for servers. It is highly optimized and heavily tested. Feel free to constribute.
# Choose what mobs to spawn in by replacing zombie with your desired mob
entity: zombie
- 70 natural
- # Natural is the rate that normal mobs spawn in by
- 50 leather-skeleton.yml
- # leather-skeleton.yml This is for the yml names of the mob you select.
- 5 low-tier-leggings-only-skeleton.yml
- - # low-tier-leggings-only-skeleton.yml You can add as many ymls as you want. The ymls here should correspond the a name of the yml in mobs folder.
Here is an simple example of how a config could be used
Here is a complex example
/spawnmob ( Then put the YML name, if it didn't appear that mean it didn't load in. )