A node.js API module and CLI for searching your code for comments referencing JIRA tickets and looking up their current status.
I use tickets after each new release of Appcelerator's Titanium to see if it fixes issues I have worked around in my code. This is also where the defaults for this module come from. However, you can override any of them easily via the listed options.
A screencast showing the CLI in action:
$ sudo npm install -g tickets
Type tickets -h
to see the options:
-d, --dir <value> directory to search in [default: process.cwd()]
-e, --extensions <items> comma-separated list of file extensions or + for all
[default: js,jmk,tss,xml]]
-k, --keys <items> comma-separated list of JIRA project keys or + for all
[default: TIMOB,ALOY]
-j, --jira <value> url of the JIRA install to query
[default: https://jira.appcelerator.org/]
reapeatable jira configuration
[example: user:password@http://jira.company.com/:KEY1,KEY2 ]
-u, --username <value> optional username to login to JIRA
-p, --password <value> optional password to login to JIRA
You can also use tickets as a module. It exports just a single function which you can call with an object containing any of the options and a callback to receive the error or found issues.
An example inspired by @manumaticx to use as a Grunt task:
grunt.registerTask('tickets', 'Checking for referenced JIRA tickets that are closed', function() {
var done = this.async(),
tickets = require('tickets');
dir: 'app',
extensions: 'js,tss,xml', // takes both CSV and
keys: ['ALOY', 'TC'] // Array
}, function(err, issues) {
if (err) {
} else {
issues.forEach(function(issue) {
if (!issue.error && issue.fields.status.name === 'Closed') {
var versions = [];
var files = [];
issue.fields.fixVersions.forEach(function(version) {
versions.push(version.name + ' (' + version.releaseDate + ')');
for (var file in issue.files) {
files.push(file + ' #' + issue.files[file].join(', #'));
grunt.log.writeln(' Issue: ' + issue.key);
grunt.log.writeln('Versions: ' + versions.join(', '));
grunt.log.writeln(' Files: ' + files.join(', '));
- 0.2.1: Fixes tickets not found at end of lines, Adds full URL to output
- 0.2.0: Adds support for searching multiple JIRAs
- 0.1.1: Adds fixVersions and improves formatting
- 0.1.0: Initial release
- Install node.js.
- Install grunt:
[sudo] npm install -g grunt-cli
- Clone the repo:
git clone https://github.com/fokkezb/tickets.git && cd tickets && npm install
- Run tests:
grunt test
Please report issues and features requests in the repo's issue tracker.
Distributed under MIT License.