The plan is to update the current dotfile so I can more easily sync them across multiple machines using stow. Then move them to nix or something similar, so I can have a more declarative way of managing my dotfiles.
Optionally, check if I can use to push changes to each env automagically.
- stow
- ~/.config/kitty
- sync .antigenrc
- move to brew cask list of common apps
- missing apps?
- gitleaks for security
- git project config sync
- git signing key sync
- ssh 1password sync
- works on both mac and archlinux
- nix or something similar
brew install git stow
git clone ~/.dotfiles
cd ~/.dotfiles
stow .
Overwrite files from ~/ to ~/.dotfiles with:
stow --adopt .
Testing the stow command:
stow --verbose --simulate --adopt .
- Dreams of Autonomy
- dotfiles
- stow video
- zsh config video