Download sky images for solar power forecasting as pytorch-ready datasets. The package is still in early development and not stable. Please report bugs in the Issues.
From release v0.0.1, skyimages
will be installable via pip:
pip install skyimages
Download skyimages
Change the CWD to the download folder skyimages/
and install
the package using pip.
git clone
cd skyimages
pip install .
To download the dataset SKIPP'D (source) and use it as a pytorch torchvision dataset, run the following code in python
from skyimages.dataset import SKIPPDDataSet
import torch
traindata = SKIPPDDataSet(download=True)
testdata = SKIPPDDataSet(download=True, train=False)
trainloader =
traindata, batch_size=200, shuffle=True, num_workers=0
testloader =
testdata, batch_size=20, shuffle=False, num_workers=0
Contributions and cooperations are highly welcome. If interested, just create an issue and we can discuss further details.